
The Catalan President in Brussels: Catalonia “expects Europe will not let it down”

November 7, 2012 11:04 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, held a debate in Brussels, at an event organised by the think tank Friends of Europe. Mas praised Catalonia’s European and democratic traditions. He talked about the self-determination process he is leading, which will be “scrupulously democratic”, “absolutely peaceful”, “demonstrably transparent”, “with an ample majority” and “within the framework of the European Union”. “What I want for Catalonia is for it to be its own State that must, necessarily, share interdependencies within a more united and stronger Europe”, he stated. If Catalonia could not remain in the EU, he would still ask the Catalan people about their future, “as it is the most important thing”. The opposition parties criticised Mas’ trip before the start of the electoral campaign.

Unemployment in Catalonia increased by 13,849 people in October, reaching an historical record

November 5, 2012 11:48 PM | CNA / Josep Molina

646,306 people were unemployed in Catalonia at the end of October. This is the highest figure since the start of this data series in the year 2000. Over the last month, unemployment in Catalonia grew by 2.19%, while a year ago, in October 2011, it grew by 2.43%. However, October 2012 was the third consecutive month with an increase in the number of people registered on the SOC lists. For the whole of Spain, unemployment increased by 128,242 people in October and reached 4,833,521 individuals without a job who were searching for a new one. Regarding geographical distribution, unemployment increased in all of the four Catalan provinces.

FC Barcelona vs Celta de Vigo: Barça’s win marks record breaking start (3-1)

November 5, 2012 03:42 PM | Roger Bogunyà

Goals from Adriano, Villa and Alba gave FC Barcelona the win over Celta de Vigo. It also confirmed Barça’s record breaking start to the Spanish League season, with 9 wins and a draw in the first 10 games, being eight points ahead from Real Madrid. Despite missing Abidal, Puyol and Piqué, the defence stood strong again, with Alba and Adriano also chipping in with goals before the Brazilian was taken off injured.

The European Commission sends contradictory messages regarding hypothetical Catalan independence

October 30, 2012 11:07 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Commissioners Reding and Almunia have publicly said that, if there were a unilateral declaration of independence, Catalonia would not be automatically expelled from the EU. However, after being put under pressure by the Spanish Government, Reding sent a private letter stating she shared Madrid’s analysis that a unilateral independence would lead to exclusion from the EU and having to re-apply for accession, which would require a unanimous vote among the 27 Member States. After Madrid’s complaints about previous statements, the EC stated that it would not give its opinion on the issue if the Spanish Government does not explicitly ask for it “on the basis of a precise scenario”. The Catalan Government has noted that there is not a precise scenario as yet. None of the main parties propose a unilateral declaration of independence.

Unemployment rate in Catalonia reached 22.56% at the end of September

October 26, 2012 10:47 PM | CNA

Unemployment increased over the third quarter of the year in Catalonia, with 18,800 more people being added to the lists of the Catalan Public Employment Service. By the end of September there were 840,000 people without a job and looking for a new one, 98,400 more jobseekers than a year ago, according to the latest Active Population Survey (EPA), published by the Spanish Statistics Institute (INE). In the whole of Spain, the unemployment rate reached 25.02% at the end of September, with 85,000 more jobseekers registered than three months ago. According to the EPA, Spain has reached an historical high of unemployed people with 5,778,100 individuals recorded.

Catalan chemists go on strike because of public payment delays

October 25, 2012 01:53 AM | CNA

Chemists in Catalonia had called to go on strike on Thursday because the Catalan Government owed them two payments for publicly funded drugs. According to the Catalan Government, the payments were delayed as they depended on receiving the funds from the Spanish Government’s Liquidity Fund. The Spanish Government announced this week it was transferring €99 million to the Catalan Government to pay the chemists. However, on Wednesday the chemists decided to maintain Thursday’s strike “as a warning signal” for the uncertainty on future payments and because they have not received yet the promised payment.

The Catalan President accuses the Spanish Prime Minister of imposing his views instead of negotiating

October 24, 2012 10:41 PM | CNA

The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, had previously accused the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, of having blackmailed him by trying to “impose the fiscal agreement or accept the consequences” in last September’s meeting, when Mas proposed a specific fiscal agreement between Catalonia and Spain. The Catalan President denied having blackmailed the Spanish PM. According to Mas, Rajoy “did not want to negotiate a fiscal agreement” as he considered that “Catalonia is not as badly treated” as Catalans say. The Catalan President said he explained to Rajoy what would happen “if the answer to all Catalan claims is always ‘no’”. “It is not a threat, it is describing the reality. The President of the Catalan Government’s duty is to inform [the Spanish PM] about Catalonia’s situation” Mas added.