Spanish prosecutor joins request to reopen referendum voter investigation
Government of Catalonia to oppose the lawsuit presented by police union against 36 voters
Government of Catalonia to oppose the lawsuit presented by police union against 36 voters
Session will revolve around protests during the peak of independence bid and around 15 agents are expected to give testimony
Session will revolve around protests during the peak of independence bid and around 15 agents are expected to give testimony
Officers from Spanish Guardia Civil and Catalan Mossos d'Esquadra give testimony about raids to halt 2017 independence referendum
Court case to focus on protests during September 20 raids of government buildings, and testimony of foreign experts at October 1 vote
Policemen witnessed protests that served as foundation for rebellion accusations
Over 30 Spanish police officers are expected to appear in the Supreme Court as witnesses of the independence bid
Former police chief Trapero and Junqueras’ right-hand man to give their testimonies on Thursday
High-ranking Catalan police officials also to testify in court
"They blockaded our way, made human chains, they attacked us and pushed us," says Sebastián Trapote in independence trial
High-ranking Catalan police officials also to testify in court
Juan Antonio Puigserver will be followed by Diego Pérez de los Cobos, former Spanish Guardia Civil police head
Spanish security officials, former members of Catalan parliament bureau and legal secretary of September 20 raids all set to testify
Juan Ignacio Zoido claims he was not in charge of the operation to stop the vote
Video shot from the inside of a police van while jailed Catalan leaders were being transferred to Madrid