
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

The Catalan Government plans to modify the working conditions of 45,000 public employees


The Catalan Government has drafted a plan regarding public employees for the 2012-2014 period. The aim is to reduce public spending in order to meet the deficit targets by reorganising civil servants, including their working conditions. The plan foresees the possibility of a reduction in salaries and working hours, as well as making their working conditions, tasks, and location more flexible. 6,800 temporary workers will have their hours reduced by 15% from April 1st. Unions have criticised the plan. However, the Catalan Vice President has asked unions to avoid exaggerating the issue and creating problems.

March 16, 2012 09:33 PM

Catalan Government to earn €300 million from new taxes in 2013


The Catalan Ministry of Finance has confirmed the figures released on Thursday by the party running Catalonia’s Government. The drug prescription fee would add €180 million to the budget, and will also save money due to its dissuasive impact. The symbolic tourist tax, which will be implemented from November, would also bring in €60 million. The remaining €60 million will come from other taxes and public fees.

March 15, 2012 10:46 PM

Catalonia has transferred 8% of its GDP every year since 1986 for services and investments in the rest of Spain

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In 2009, Catalonia financed € 16.41 billion of services and investments in the rest of Spain, which represents 8.4% of Catalonia’s GDP. According to the Catalan Finance Minister, Andreu Mas-Colell, out of every euro paid by Catalan citizens with their taxes, 43 cent is invested outside of Catalonia. The Catalan Government released the latest data regarding the fiscal relationship between Catalonia and Spain, corresponding to the 2006-2009 period, known as “the fiscal balances”. Mas-Colell underlined the “fiscal deficit” Catalonia suffers from, which is “unsustainable” and harms Catalan citizens and the country’s economy.

March 13, 2012 09:57 PM

Catalan President announces a 5% cut in public salaries to meet 2012 deficit targets

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Government had already approved a 3% reduction of public salaries during the current year, which will now be increased to 5%. However, the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, explained that the measure would be cancelled if the Spanish Government approved a similar reduction, in order not to harm public employees with two salary reductions. The People’s Party supports Mas but the Left-Wing opposition parties have criticised the measure and have said that there are other ways to reduce the deficit. Mas demanded that the Spanish Government include the funds it legally owes Catalonia in its budget for 2012 which would avoid further cutbacks.

March 12, 2012 11:46 PM

The Spanish Government refuses Catalonia’s petition to internally split the deficit target more proportionally


“Absurd, useless, dreadful, and inopportune” is what Spain’s Finance Minister thinks about the Catalan Government’s proposal to internally split the 5.8% deficit target for 2012 more proportionally. The Catalan Government has asked for the Autonomous Communities’ deficit to increase from 1.5% to 1.7% of Spain’s GDP, and the deficit generated by the services directly managed by the Spanish Government to fall from 4% to 3.8%. The Spanish Government believes that it has already undertaken severe austerity measures and that now it is the turn of the Autonomies.

March 6, 2012 10:48 PM

Barcelona Port affected by a lack of investment from the Spanish Government


The enlargement of Barcelona Port, where Hutchison’s new container terminal will be located, was supposed to be linked by International-width standard railway to Central Europe and be better connected by road. However, the Spanish Minister for Transport and Public Works, Ana Pastor, announced that work cannot start this year; neither can she guarantee the provisional solution will be in place in June, when the new container terminal was supposed to start operating. Since the Spanish Government has not started the work, the technical studies have expired. “Hopefully they will be redone by the end of the year”, said Pastor.

March 6, 2012 12:13 AM

Every party in Catalonia, including the PP, asks for more proportional deficit targets in 2012

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

There has been a unanimous call in Catalonia for greater flexibility of the deficit objectives applied to the Autonomous Communities for the current year. Every political party in Catalonia, including the People’s Party (PP), has asked the Spanish Government to provide more flexibility to the Autonomies, which manage 40% of Spain’s public spending and run basic Welfare State services. The Spanish Government has set a new deficit target of 5.8% of Spain’s GDP for 2012; internally, the Central Government allowed itself a deficit of 4% and ordered the Autonomies to commit to a deficit of 1.5%. Some Catalan parties have said that the Spanish Government has double standards.

March 5, 2012 11:31 PM

The Spanish Government sets new deficit targets without agreement from neither the EU nor the Autonomous Communities

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Government considers the Spanish Government to be “disloyal” for unilaterally setting the new deficit objectives and for not allowing the same degree of flexibility to the autonomous communities, who manage all basic services. The Autonomies’ new deficit target has been set at 1.5% while that of the Spanish Government is set at 4%. Mariano Rajoy has announced that Spain will have a total public deficit of 5.8% of its GDP, and not the 4.4% previously agreed with the rest of the European Union Member States. Rajoy has argued that, with a recession coming, the situation has changed and the stability pact foresees changing the targets.

March 2, 2012 10:38 PM

Unemployment in Catalonia rose by 1.38% in February, the smallest increase for the month since 2008


Unemployment has reached a new historical record in Catalonia, with 641,948 people being signed on. These figures mean that 8,738 more people were out of work in February compared to January. In Spain as a whole unemployment increased by 112,269 people in February. This is 2.44% more than the previous month and puts the total number of people registered as unemployed on February 29th at 4,712,098.

March 2, 2012 10:36 PM

Neelie Kroes: “Silicon Valley is a very good example”, although “Barcelona needs to find its own model”

CNA / Jordi Pueyo i Busquets

ACN interviewed Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Agenda. Her “dream” would be to reach a European Union single market for mobile phone and internet services. “It is not normal” that when crossing artificial borders, “the borders from the past, you can see it in your bills” she said. Kroes affirmed that by 2015, mobile phone roaming fees from one EU country to another will have ceased. The EU Commissioner was attending the Mobile World Congress, which takes place in Barcelona every year. Kroes praised Barcelona’s good job at organising the MWC. And she stated that the Catalan capital “needs to find its own model”, although “Silicon Valley is a very good example”.

March 1, 2012 09:42 PM

Spanish Government centralises all regulatory bodies to foster market harmonisation

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

With the measure, Barcelona will no longer host the headquarters of the Spanish Authority regulating the Telecommunications Market (CMT). However, the Catalan capital could still host a delegation of the new body, considering the presence of telecommunications companies in the Catalan capital. The Spanish Government has approved the creation of a single super regulatory body controlling competition throughout Spain, including stock markets and other specific markets such as energy, telecommunications, railways, airports, audiovisual media, and postal services. The new body will directly depend on the Spanish Economy Ministry.

February 24, 2012 11:34 PM

The Catalan Government reforms the jobseeker model

CNA / Esther Romagosa

The plan has a €420 million euro budget for 2012 and aims to foster quality education by changing the current system based on subsidising training courses offered by job-placement organisations and municipalities for another model based on framework contracts and grouping the actors involved. The Catalan Deputy Minister for Employment and Labour Relations explained that the new plan would include specific policies aimed at young people, the disadvantaged, as well as for the sectors and territories hardest hit by the economic crisis.

February 20, 2012 11:49 PM

The Catalan Government reduces public sector salaries by 3% to meet deficit objectives

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The salary drop is to be added to the 5% cutback in 2010 and the 2011 salary freeze despite the increase in inflation. Trade unions denounced that since May 2010, Catalan public employees have lost 20% of their purchasing power. In addition, trade unions have abandoned negotiations as they say the Catalan Government is imposing the measures. The Vice President, Joana Ortega, stressed that the measure is “temporary”, in principle only for 2012; however she did not discard the idea of repeating it in 2013 if the economic situation requires so. The measure will save €180 million this year, which is part of the €625 million package to be saved that affects public employee labour conditions.

February 17, 2012 10:06 PM

Catalans shocked by decision to prioritise the Central Railway Corridor

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Spanish Minister for Public Works and Transport, Ana Pastor, announced she would prioritise the Central Railway Corridor, which would link the Gibraltar area with Madrid, Zaragoza, Toulouse and the rest of Europe through the Central Pyrenees. The European Commission announced in October it would not fund the Central Corridor, but those along the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coasts, where the main industrial centres and ports are located. The Catalan business community and political parties have pushed for the Mediterranean Corridor. Their fear was that the current crisis combined with prioritising the construction of a second corridor might push resources away from the Mediterranean.

February 17, 2012 12:16 AM

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