
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

Regional governments are responsible for less than 20% of Spain’s debt and for 33% of its 2011 deficit


In the last number of weeks, regional governments in Spain have been taking the blame for the deficit, and in the past week have done so at an international level. However, Spain’s Central Government is responsible for 63% of the country’s deficit and 75% of public debt, despite controlling less than half of public expenditure and having far greater control over revenue. Regional governments have produced less than 20% of Spain’s public debt and in 2011 were responsible for 33% of the country’s deficit, despite representing around 40% of the public expenditure total and managing the most expensive and socially-rooted policies (healthcare, education, social grants, public transportation, etc.).

January 12, 2012 11:11 PM

The Spanish Government threatens to financially asphyxiate the Autonomies that do not meet the deficit objective


The Spanish Finance Minister, Cristóbal Montoro, announced that the Central Government might heavily fine the governments of Autonomous Communities that do not meet the deficit objective. Montoro, from the People’s Party (PP), met with the regional governments run by his party to prepare a common position on the issue. On the same day, the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU) gave its support to the Spanish’s Government decree to cut public spending and increase taxes, announced at the end of December.

January 11, 2012 10:12 PM

Mas explains Catalonia’s austerity measures to Liberal leaders in London

CNA / Laura Pous / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan President, Artur Mas, has met with the UK Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg at a summit of European Liberal leaders. He stressed that Catalonia is doing “its homework” despite the excessive and “continuous fiscal drainage” from the Spanish State, which “is unprecedented in Europe”. “European leaders must understand” Catalonia’s situation, Mas said. “We need to explain ourselves” […] “because otherwise the only image that is received abroad is distorted”. He also explained that Catalonia’s GDP is the size of Portugal’s and Finland’s, and has an export level similar to Denmark. Mas also criticised Rajoy’s recent tax increase.

January 9, 2012 11:55 PM

Catalonia rejects the Spanish Government’s proposal to approve the Autonomies’ budget in advance

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Spokesperson for the Catalan Government has said that the new Spanish Economy Minister’s proposal goes against the Constitution and Catalonia’s self-governance. The Basque Country is also against the measure announced by Luís de Guindos in an interview with the Financial Times. He said that the crisis “was an opportunity to impose hard conditions and measures” on the Autonomies; he also added that before the Autonomies pass their budget, the Spanish Government will have to approve it. The next day, the Spanish Vice President refused to go into detail on the issue but stated that every administration has to commit to the deficit objective.

January 5, 2012 10:02 PM

The Union for the Mediterranean loses its Secretary General once again

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, whose headquarters are based in Barcelona, has resigned to become Morocco’s Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. King Mohamed VI appointed Youssef Amrani to counterweight the actual Foreign Affairs Minister, from the moderate Islamists. Amrani’s resignation means that the UfM has once again been left without a figure head in the past year, after Massadeh’s resignation in early 2011.

January 4, 2012 09:54 PM

“Treating the Autonomies like children or bad students is silly and unfair”, warns the Catalan President

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Artur Mas, President of the Catalan Government, has reflected on his first year in office. Mas justified the budget cuts his government has made in order to avoid “a collapse” in public services. He also criticised the recent trend of patronising the Autonomous Communities and claiming that they are responsible for Spain’s financial problems. That, he believes, has made them scapegoats. “The Autonomies are a very important part of the State”, “they provide almost all public services to citizens”, he stressed. In addition, Mas insisted that Spain’s debt and deficit is mainly due to the Spanish Government’s overspending over many years and not the fault of the Autonomies or the municipalities.

January 3, 2012 11:15 PM

Spain’s new Minister for the Economy “feels sympathetic” for the Catalan Government’s “austerity efforts”


In a radio interview, Luis de Guindos, said he is supportive of the budget austerity measures put in place by the Catalan Government over the last 12 months. In addition, the new Spanish Minister for the Economy stated that the drug prescription fee proposed by the Catalan Government is Catalonia’s responsibility, contrary to that said by the previous Spanish Government. In addition, the Catalan Health Minister explained that the drug prescription fee would include exceptions “basically” based on personal “economic reasons”.

January 2, 2012 10:29 PM

A Catalan-North Korean Official ensures that “the government will be collective” for some years, until Kim Jong-un becomes the “Great Leader”


Alejandro Cao, born in Catalonia, is the Chairman of the Korean Friendship Association, part of the hermetic regime’s body promoting North Korea’s image abroad. Cao is one of the few North Korean top officials who travel abroad and talk to the press. The sudden death of Kim Jong-il found this “special representative” of North Korea’s Foreign Affairs Ministry in Catalonia, visiting relatives. He shared his views on the regime’s future leadership with CNA.

December 21, 2011 11:53 PM

The Catalan Government budget for 2012 fulfils the 1.3% deficit objective by increasing taxes, selling assets and reducing public sector salaries

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Government will reduce department expenditure by 3.8%, public sector prices will increase and real estate assets will be sold. In addition, a symbolic tourist tax and a universal fee for each drug prescription will be introduced. The Catalan Finance Minister, Andreu Mas-Colell, insisted that next year’s budget continues with the two-year adjustment plan, which has been designed to reach a 1.3% deficit objective in 2012. Basic welfare services and security and judicial policies are the areas least affected by the reductions. In the next few weeks, parliamentary negotiations will take place to approve the final budget.

December 20, 2011 10:54 PM

MEPs from Catalonia request the European Commission to supervise the Catalan Government’s budget to stress transparency


In order to foster transparency, almost all the Catalan Members of the European Parliament have asked the European Commission to supervise the Catalan Government's budget, and other “regions of systemic importance”. Catalonia’s GDP is as big as that of Finland and Portugal. MEPs from CiU, ERC, ICV, and the PP believe that this procedure will prove Catalonia’s reliability and rigour, and will subsequently have a positive effect on the international financial markets. The PSC is looking at possibly joining the initiative.

December 20, 2011 07:43 PM

Rajoy’s centralist proposals put Catalan forces on guard

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The winner of the Spanish Elections, Mariano Rajoy, outlined his government programme at the parliamentary debate on his approval before being officially appointed Prime Minister. Rajoy, without revealing any details, talked about redefining public powers, reforming public administrations, homogenising welfare policies and ensuring market unity. The Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU), the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), the Catalan Green Socialist and Communist Coalition (ICV-EUiA) and the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC) warned Rajoy of not affecting Catalonia’s self-government with his reforms.

December 19, 2011 11:54 PM

The Catalan Socialists decide their future in the party congress

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) is holding its 12th congress to renew its leadership and discuss its entire political project. After having lost the last elections, the Catalan Government and many town halls throughout Catalonia, the PSC feels detached from the majority of voters with many believing that it has lost its way regards it political project. Its attachment to social-democratic values, its connection with the Catalan municipalities, its defence of Catalan interests in Madrid, and the relationship with the Spanish Socialists are the main issues. Three mayors announced their candidacy to lead the party, which means that a synthesis looks more likely than a full renovation.

December 16, 2011 10:33 PM

Public employee unions protest at not being informed by the Catalan Government about delays in the extra salary payment

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Minister for Finance, Andreu Mas-Colell stated in a press conference that because of the Spanish Government’s refusal to pay them the promised €759 million, the Catalan Government will be short of cash for the remainder of the year. Mas-Colell explained that Catalan public employees would receive most of their Christmas bonus with a one week delay. In addition, service providers will also be paid later. Visibly angry and arguing that they had not been previously informed about the measures, union representatives decided to leave the negotiation table with the Catalan Government where talks had been taking place about next year’s salaries, working conditions and staff numbers.

December 15, 2011 10:27 PM

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