
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

The Catalan Government provides explanations to the Parliament regarding social care organisations’ payments


The Catalan Social Affairs Minister, Josep Lluís Cleries, stated before the Catalan Parliament that €70 million had not been paid on time to health and social care organisations this August. He said he was sorry for the situation but underlined that the €50 million destined for private citizens had been paid. The Catalan Finance Minister, Andreu Mas-Colell, emphasised that, if the Spanish Government does not activate the Liquidity Fund for the Autonomous Communities and similar measures, he cannot guarantee the situation will not be repeated in the future. However, he said to be confident the Spanish Government will put these mechanisms in place soon. The Left-Wing opposition parties had requested the urgent hearings.

August 4, 2012 12:13 AM

The Catalan Executive states it will meet its financial obligations despite not attending the Autonomies’ meeting

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Lluís Recoder, has emphasised that “not attending a meeting as a protest does not mean not honouring the agreements”. Recoder was answering the Spanish Finance Minister, Cristóbal Montoro, who emphasised that all the Autonomies are obliged to meet the deficit and debt targets. Recoder said that Montoro’s words were not appropriate and unfair, since Catalonia has been leading austerity reforms and budget cuts in Spain.

August 1, 2012 11:00 PM

Catalonia refuses to attend the Autonomous Communities council in protest of decisions made beforehand

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Andalusia quits the meeting after one hour. For the first time in democracy, the Catalan Finance Minister did not attend the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF), where the Autonomous Community governments and the Spanish Executive discuss the regions’ financial situation and funding. Catalonia refused to attend the CPFF as decisions were taken beforehand by the People’s Party, which runs the Spanish Government and most of the Autonomies for which CPFF decisions are binding. In addition, the Catalan Finance Minister refused to attend the meeting due to Spanish Government’s unilateral decision to oblige the Autonomies to meet a stricter deficit target in 2013, passing from the planned 1.1% to 0.7%. He sent a letter asking for the same flexibility the European Union is giving to Spain.

August 1, 2012 12:02 AM

A reduction of the solidarity contribution to Spain by a third would leave Catalonia with no deficit

CNA / Esther Romagosa / David Tuxworth

According to the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, if Catalonia continued contributing to Spain’s fiscal redistribution scheme but it did so to a lesser extent, Catalan public finances would have no deficit and Catalonia’s public debt would be much smaller. The Chamber reminded that Catalonia is giving 8.6% of its GDP each year to the rest of Spain in terms of solidarity, an amount that has no other equivalent in Europe. In addition, the Chamber emphasised that this contribution is “excessive” as basic services and infrastructures in Catalonia are not properly funded.

August 1, 2012 12:01 AM

Catalonia against the Spanish Government’s unilateral decision to increase highway toll prices by 7.5%


Catalan political parties, business associations, and many citizens are outraged by the decision to increase toll prices in Catalonia, while in the rest of Spain there are many toll-free highways. The Catalan Transport Minister asked the Spanish Government to implement a “soft toll” throughout Spain, instead of increasing toll prices in Catalonia. He reminded that for some journeys within Catalonia, there are no free of charge alternatives to the tolled highways. Catalan nationalists see this measure as a new proof of Catalonia’s high fiscal deficit, paying much more to the rest of Spain than what it gets in return. The People’s Party (PP), running the Spanish Executive, asked the Catalan Government to reduce the price of its tolls.

July 30, 2012 10:35 PM

The Minister for the Economy admits Catalonia will use capital from the Regional Liquidity Fund


The Minister for the Economy, Andreu Mas-Colell, warned the Spanish government that the Generalitat "will never accept political conditions" in exchange for capital from the Regional Liquidity Fund (FLA). He repeated the phrase three times after revealing that the Catalan government has accepted financing from the FLA and has so far employed “all available instruments of liquidity” but “only” those that are linked to exclusively economic conditions. The minister admitted that the Catalan government will welcome the FLA due to “the liquidity pressures” that the Generalitat is facing. The specific amount of funding has not been revealed but Mas-Colell assured that “it will be what is necessary.”

July 26, 2012 09:28 PM

Yes to a new fiscal pact for Catalonia

Laura Pous / David Tuxworth

Catalan Parliament approved on Wednesday the proposal for a new fiscal pact for Catalonia by an overall majority. The proposal defends the creation of an independent tax agency with powers to raise and manage all taxes in Catalonia. According to the Catalan President, Artur Mas, it involves starting a “difficult” negotiation with the government of Spain but it was either “now or never”. If achieved, this new fiscal arrangement would be similar to the one enjoyed by the Basque Country, that collects its own taxes and has been able to keep its debt under control. Therefore, it could help Catalonia getting out of the crisis. Currently, out of the all the territories, Catalonia is ranked third for the amount it pays in taxes, but is ranked tenth for the amount it receives in return. The new arrangement would see Catalonia leaving the common system established by the Organic Law on the Financing of the Autonomous Communities (LOFCA) and establishing bilateral fiscal relationships with Spain.

July 25, 2012 10:07 PM

Catalonia considering financing from the regional liquidity fund, but rejects claims it is seeking a rescue


Catalonia has not asked for a rescue from Spain, said the spokesman of the Catalan government, Francesc Homs. At a press conference, Homs denied reports that Catalonia is seeking a full bail-out, but admitted the government is considering participating in the Regional Liquidity Fund. “This is a treasury mechanism”, said Homs, who added that by using the fund Catalonia would not have to meet “any new set of conditions”. When presenting the €18bn fund last week, the Spanish government said the aid will be only offered under “strict conditionality”.

July 24, 2012 06:58 PM

Spain will not require a full sovereign bailout, says Luis de Guindos


The Spanish Economy minister said on Monday that the state will “absolutely not” require a full rescue package such as the one taken by Greece, Ireland or Portugal. Speaking at a parliamentary hearing, De Guindos said that the Spanish economy is competitive and has “capacity to grow” unlike other struggling European countries. However, markets seem unconvinced by Luis de Guindo’s remarks, pushing the ten-year Spanish bond yields to more than 7.5%. Doubts about the autonomous communities financing capacity are also affecting the situation, especially after Valencia announced that it will ask for about 3,500 million euros from the Spanish Liquidity Fund. Catalonia, the most indebted community in Spain, is still considering whether to use the money from the fund, and will only decide after studying “the set of conditions” attached to it.

July 23, 2012 09:15 PM

New austerity package approved in Spanish Congress despite lack of support

David Tuxworth

The Spanish Congress has ratified a new austerity package this Thursday with 180 votes from People’s Party (PP), 131 votes against made up by the other parties and one abstention from the Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN). The new measures include the suspension of the Christmas bonus for public sector officials, an increase in VAT, and a reduction in unemployment benefit after the sixth month. The Spanish finance minister, Cristóbal Montoro, defended the measures on the grounds that they are "necessary sacrifices" to enable economic recovery and that "giving up is not recommended or possible". Various groups have protested against the measures, with over 80 demonstrations across the country.

July 20, 2012 02:29 AM

Mas urges autonomous communities to “stand firm” in face of the “disloyal” attitude of the Spanish government

Rafa Garrido

The Catalan President in a parliamentary session criticised what he considers to be “acts of disloyalty” by the Spanish government. He said it is unfair that regions have to assume most of the burden of Mariano Rajoy’s adjustment program and emphasised the fact that Madrid has yet to pay much of its debts to Catalonia. Mas accused Rajoy of “lacking respect” for the autonomous regions and said this could lead to a “break down of relations” between administrations.

July 18, 2012 07:20 PM

New €18,000 million Spanish fund to support autonomous communities under stress


The Spanish vice president, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, said the fund is an “extraordinary mechanism” that will force regions that use it to comply with “extraordinary conditions”. The money will come from a €6,000 million loan from the state lottery and the Spanish treasury. The autonomous communities that decide to use the money from the fund will have the responsibility of paying it back and will be subject to a potential intervention by the central government if they do not comply.

July 14, 2012 12:14 AM

Outrage in Catalonia after Spain cuts regional deficit targets and denies compensation for VAT rise


The Catalan minister for the Economy, Andreu Mas-Colell, said in an interview that he will ask to speak directly to Brussels if Madrid decides to intervene in Catalonia’s finances. The minister is very disappointed with the results of a meeting between the 17 autonomous communities and the Spanish Minister Cristóbal Montoro. At the summit, Montoro announced a new cut in the regional deficit targets, from 1,1% to 0,5% for 2013 and from 1% to only 0,1% the year after. This could imply a new adjustment of about €650 million on top of the 1,500 million already announced by Catalan President Artur Mas only two months ago. The Catalan government spokesman, Francesc Homs, did not deny the possibility of new cuts in Catalonia in the near future. If they are confirmed, those would be the fourth round of spending cuts implemented in the country since Mas entered office in November 2010. Meanwhile, other autonomous communities still have to start to reduce spending.

July 13, 2012 04:08 PM

Catalan citizens need to “come together” to face the new round of Spanish austerity measures


President Artur Mas says Catalonia needs to come out of the crisis stronger and citizens should “come together” in the wake of new austerity measures announced this Wednesday by Spanish president Mariano Rajoy. The Catalan government spokesman, Francesc Homs, celebrated Rajoy’s decision to cut Spanish public workers salaries, several months after the same decision was implemented in Catalonia. However, he criticised the VAT rise. The Catalan minister for the Economy, Andreu Mas-Colell, said Madrid’s plan is “in line” with EU instructions but urged Rajoy to offer “some kind of compensation” to the autonomous communities because their expenditure won’t benefit from the VAT rise.

July 12, 2012 02:21 AM

The Catalan fiscal pact is also beneficial for Spain, argues President Mas


The Catalan President has made the case for Catalan full fiscal autonomy in a trip to Portugal. Artur Mas has started an international tour to try to explain to foreign leaders why Catalonia wants to have a new fiscal arrangement with Spain. According to the president, the Catalan fiscal deficit caused by the current system is damaging Catalonia, one of the driving forces of the Spanish economy, and therefore is also detrimental to Spain.

July 12, 2012 02:14 AM

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