
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

Public employees and the Catalan Government clear on their aims for next year’s salaries and staff numbers

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Public employees have taken to the streets to put pressure on the Catalan Government during the negotiation of next year’s budget. The Government proposed 19 measures affecting public employees and aimed at saving €625 million in 2012. They include salary reductions, modifications in working conditions and review “of temporary staff”. Negotiations began on November 30th and, despite some temporary suspensions, they are on-going. The Catalan Government wants to close a deal as soon as possible, and unions want to keep negotiating until next year’s budget approval.

December 14, 2011 10:44 PM

The Catalan Government decides to take the Spanish Executive to court for not paying €759 million

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The outgoing Spanish Government has refused to pay Catalonia €759 million this year despite being legally obliged to do so and having stated publicly on several occasions it would pay the money. The Spokesperson for the Catalan Government announced Catalonia is risking to miss the deficit objective for 2011 without the funds. Facing this situation and the damage caused by it, the Catalan Government has decided to take the Spanish State to court and explain the issue to European institutions. Mariano Rajoy, Spain’s future Prime Minister, has said that he is not aware of the issue.

December 14, 2011 11:54 AM

The Catalan Government is studying legal options to oblige the Spanish Government to pay the money it owes them

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Spanish Government refuses to transfer some of the funds that it is legally obliged to pay Catalonia in 2011. Without this money, the Catalan Government will have difficulties meeting the deficit objective for this year. The Catalan Minister for Finance, Andreu Mas-Colell, considers the stance of the Zapatero Government to be “rude” and ignorant to the needs of Catalonia. Furthermore it forces the finances of Catalonia to be put in the spotlight. Every single Catalan political group, including the Socialists and the People’s Party, have criticised the decision of the soon to be former Spanish Prime Minister, and have expressed their support for Mas-Colell.

December 7, 2011 10:30 PM

Josep Borrell asks the European Central Bank and Member State governments “to do the opposite to what they are doing” to save the euro


The former President of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell, believes that the European Central Bank must buy sovereign debt and that governments need to implement budget cuts at a slower rate in order to avoid a drop in economic growth. Borrell also stressed that “the worst is possible”, and that they must act quickly. However, he added that “the euro will not disappear” but if some countries were left out, “it would be a problem for everybody” as “it would cause a big mess”.

November 30, 2011 07:10 PM

The Catalan and Spanish Governments dig their heels in regarding Catalonia’s “fiscal agreement”

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Both governments are currently defining their strategies and building their respective cases in preparation for a discussion on the issue in the coming months. The Spokesperson for the Catalan Government, Francesc Homs, has sent a clear message to the next Spanish Prime Minister: Catalonia will only accept a negotiation on a new fiscal model, which would reduce the financial transfers to Spain’s poorer regions. If the Spanish Government refuses to discuss about it, Catalonia will organise a citizen vote on it. Over the past few days, the People’s Party has hinted that the Catalan Government’s main claim is not a matter for discussion.

November 28, 2011 11:51 PM

The Catalan public television and radio broadcaster will have its budget drastically cut

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In a meeting at the Parliament of Catalonia, the Catalan Government has announced that it will reduce its budget contribution to the Catalan public television and radio broadcaster (CCRTV) by 13.3%. As a consequence, the entire CCRTV budget will drop and two of the six digital TV channels will be closed. However, the Government’s Spokesperson, Francesc Homs, in charge of public media, said no staff would be laid off.

November 25, 2011 09:30 PM

The Catalan Government details the austerity measures for 2012 while Madrid questions the pharmaceutical fee

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

On Tuesday, the Catalan President announced a series of measures that will be included in the 2012 budget in order to meet the 1.3% deficit objective. The Catalan Finance Minister said that the fall in public spending will be smaller than that of this year. Ministers from the Catalan Government have been providing more details about the measures. The so-called “moderating ticket” to reduce the Catalan public healthcare system’s pharmaceutical bill has been questioned by the Spanish Government, as Barcelona “does not have the powers to do so”, despite managing the public healthcare system in Catalonia.

November 24, 2011 10:58 PM

The Catalan President announces a tax increase in 2012 and a reduction of public sector salaries to meet the deficit objective

Patricia Mateos / Rafa Garrido / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Artur Mas, the President of the Catalan Government, has announced the main austerity measures to reduce Catalonia’s public deficit and meet the 1.3% objective for 2012. Mas stressed that these measures are to be taken in order to reduce the deficit and not harm social policies. The Catalan People’s Party was satisfied with the plans, while the Left-Wing parties warned that they would harm the middle classes. The Catalan President also sent a warning to the next Spanish Prime Minister: a new “fiscal agreement” for Catalonia might be “one of the few opportunities left” to rebuild relations with the rest of Spain.

November 22, 2011 11:59 PM

The PP wins practically all over Spain with the exception of Catalonia and the Basque Country

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The conservative People’s Party (PP) has won the Spanish General Election with an absolute majority. The PP obtained 186 MPs in the 350-seat Spanish Parliament, its best ever result. The Socialist Party (PSOE), who are the current Spanish Government, obtained the worst results in its history, winning just 110 MPs. In Catalonia, another historical change has taken place: the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalists (CiU) have won in the Spanish elections for the first time. The Socialists lose 44% of their MPs in Catalonia, and their main candidate Carme Chacón, is in a bad position to lead the PSOE after Zapatero. The PP continues as Catalonia’s third party, despite an improvement in its results.

November 21, 2011 02:47 AM

The People’s Party would win the Spanish General Elections with an absolute majority, according to the exit polls

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Catalonia is the only autonomous community where the Socialist Party has clearly won, but has lost around 35% of its MPs, according to the exit poll released by TV3. The People’s Party (PP) will remain Catalonia’s third biggest force, behind the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalists (CiU), who will increase their share by some 40%. The exit polls released at 20.00 CET, when the polls closed, indicate an absolute majority for the PP and an historical defeat for the Socialists throughout Spain. The PP will get between 181 and 185 MPs, when the absolute majority is 176 seats. The election day has been calm, with a lower turnout than in the 2008 elections, particularly in Catalonia.

November 20, 2011 09:53 PM

A calm electoral campaign ends with an absolute majority almost guaranteed for the PP

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Catalonia and the Basque Country might be the only Autonomous Communities in Spain without a victory for the People’s Party (PP). The Socialists are likely to win once again in Catalonia, but they risk loosing 40% of their seats. If they slump even further then they risk being overtaken by the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU) or even the PP. A quiet electoral campaign has come to an end, with three main unknown answers: if the Socialist party will get its worst results over the past few decades, if they will also lose in their stronghold of Catalonia, and how the international financial markets will react in the coming days.

November 19, 2011 04:03 PM

The last polls before the Spanish elections confirm the People’s Party absolute majority

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In Catalonia, the PP would get its best results in history, and could become the second most voted party in the territory, a position disputed with the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU). The Socialist Party, which has won the Spanish elections in Catalonia for the last 32 years, might still win, but it will be a close battle with the CiU and the PP. A major surprise in Catalonia cannot be completely ruled out. In any case, on the contrary to previous elections and as it seemed some weeks ago, votes in Catalonia might not change the final results and the PP’s absolute majority would not depend on its Catalan supports.

November 14, 2011 09:53 PM

The main Catalan candidates for the Spanish elections

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Next November 20th, Spaniards will vote for the new Spanish Parliament. They will elect one of the lists running in their province, which is their constituency. Catalans will thus elect the lists running in the four Catalan provinces. Therefore, they will not directly elect Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba (PSOE) or Mariano Rajoy (PP), but their party candidates in Catalonia, as well as parties only running in Catalonia, such as the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU), the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC) or the Catalan Green Socialist Coalition (ICV-EUiA).

November 8, 2011 02:08 PM

Spain’s official electoral campaign kicks off with Catalonia in the spotlight

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

According to polls, Catalonia might be essential to ensure the absolute majority to the People’s Party (PP) or to save the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) from getting its worst results ever. The Socialists risk loosing more than a third of its seats in Catalonia while the PP, far from winning in Catalonia, could get its best results. Catalan nationalists ‘Convergència i Unió’, who are the third largest group in the Spanish Parliament, could win the elections in Catalonia, ending the ten Socialist Party victories in a row in these elections.

November 4, 2011 12:05 AM

Rajoy will kick off the Spanish electoral campaign in Catalonia for the first time

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Catalonia has a different political landscape than the rest of Spain, and it is where the People’s Party (PP) always gets its worst results. Polls indicate that in the next Spanish elections, the People’s Party will be very far from winning in Catalonia but it could get its best results winning between 12 and 14 seats. Looking to ensure an absolute majority in Spain, the PP’s leader Mariano Rajoy plans to better the party’s results in Catalonia and therefore decided to start the official campaign in a town from Barcelona Metropolitan Area.

October 27, 2011 01:23 AM

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