
The Mediterranean railway corridor, linking Algeciras with Stockholm, must be a European priority

January 12, 2011 11:06 PM | CNA / Raquel Correa

Politicians and businessmen from Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and Andalucía participated today in an event pushing for the so called Mediterranean Railway Corridor for freight and passengers. They push the European Union to declare it a European priority, an axe that would vertebrate Europe, from Gibraltar to the Baltic Sea. However, participants criticised that the Spanish Government has yet to show its commitment to building freight railway with European-standard width that would connect Andalucía, Valencia and Barcelona to Central Europe. Besides goods, the corridor should also count with a high-speed train connection for passengers.

Barcelona harbour connected by European-standard railway to Europe

December 22, 2010 10:41 PM | CNA / J. R. Torné

Freight will be able to be transported with the same train using the new European-standard railway connecting the Barcelona Harbour to the French network. With the new freight infrastructure, the journey between Barcelona and Lyon will be reduced by 6 hours and will eliminate the extra costs of changing trains in the Pyrenees. Barcelona is thus greater consolidated as the main Mediterranean harbour and as a logistic platform for freight.

The European Commission pushes for a freight railway linking Barcelona’s harbour to France

October 15, 2010 11:38 PM | CNA

In response to a parliamentary question by the Member of the European Parliament, Ramon Tremosa, from the Association of Liberals and Democrats of Europe (ALDE) group, the EC wages for this railway network to be built before the end of 2012. This rail track is an essential part of the Mediterranean Rail Corridor, which will link Southern Spain to France via the Mediterranean harbours.