Abertis’ profit increases by 4.2% in 2010
The Catalan transport infrastructure service company received a net profit of 561 million euros during the first 9 months of 2010. This figure is a 4.2% higher than the same period in 2009.
The Catalan transport infrastructure service company received a net profit of 561 million euros during the first 9 months of 2010. This figure is a 4.2% higher than the same period in 2009.
In order to receive EU funding to subsidise part of the language courses for Erasmus students, the Spanish Government has labelled Valencian Catalan as a different language. Both dialects were considered as the same language in all previous documents to the EU, an opinion shared by all the universities
The Catalan Government has approved a decree regulating tourist apartments. A flat rented for a period of less than 3 months is considered a “tourist” flat. As it performs an economic activity, it will now need a municipal license. Until now, tourist flats were regulated depending on the municipality.
Various banks and savings banks are asking the Catalan Government to extend the total bond amount to 3,000 million euros. The Catalan Ministry of Economy will make the decision whether or not to extend the amount on Friday. The Catalan Government's debt bonds were issued for an initial amount of 1,890 million euros and further extended to 2,500 million euros due to their massive purchase by Catalan citizens
Unemployment has increased in the service and agricultural sectors. However, it decreased in the industry and construction sectors. Unemployement has increased throughout Catalonia, although Lleida is the most affected province. Unemployment has also increased in the rest of Spain.
Fiona Hyslop, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Scottish Government asks for the recognition of the right to self-determination for Catalonia and Scotland. In an interview with CNA, she claims for this right “recognised by the United Nations”.
The 3rd term (July-September) ended with less people unemployed in Catalonia, concretely 6,700 people less. The unemployment rate has decreased 3 decimals and is now 17.41% of the active population. In addition, Catalonia represents half of all the new jobs created in Spain this term, with 34,500 jobs created. It is the first time in the last year that unemployment has dropped for the whole of Spain.
Gastronomy will be one of the main aspects of the new Pyrenees and Pre-Pyrenees tourist offer, which also combines Romanesque art, breathtaking lanscapes, trekking paths, ski slopes, etc. The initiative aims to bring together the varied offers from 11 counties with gastronomy in order to generate tourism.
The motorbike, made by Rieju, will cost around 4,500 euros. The company hopes to sell 2,500 electric motorbikes in 2011.
Transportation, clothing and footwear are the products that have seen the greatest drop. The family expenditure figures reflect the state of household economies in the context of the economic crisis: high unemployment rates and high levels of private debt.
As a result of the Catalan Government’s success in bond sales, they have made the decision to increase the overall bond amount to 2,500 million euros. The bonds can be purchased until the 12th of November by private citizens.
The passion for mushrooms among Catalans contributes to economic dynamism in pre-Pyrenees counties such as Berguedà, Bages and Ripollès. Many fairs and festivals are held, as well as especial dishes at the restaurants. Catalonia is one the world’s corners that is more into mushrooms degustation but also search.
The “export vocation” and “good management of economic, tourism and trade competences” will ease Catalonia’s recovery from the crisis. This is the opinion of José Manuel González-Páramo, member of the European Central Bank’s Executive Board.
The polls foresee a clear defeat for the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), led by the current Catalan President José Montilla, in the coming elections. The polls suggest that the PSC would not be able to reform the current and ruling 3-party coalition and may not be able to form a government at all. This past weekend’s news announced that Montilla would not repeat the ruling 3-party coalition. Today he clarified that a transversal coalition with the main opposition party and the most likely winner of the election, the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Party (CiU), is also out of question.
Today banks and savings banks started selling the treasury bonds announced by the Catalan Government two weeks ago to get cash. On the first day, about 1,000 million euros have been bought. If this pace continues, the bonds will be sold out by next week. The quantity on sale is 1,890 million, which could be increased to 2,500.