Political row after Spanish police officer caught removing yellow ribbons
Unionist campaign launched to take away signs in solidarity with the political leaders in jails around Catalonia
Unionist campaign launched to take away signs in solidarity with the political leaders in jails around Catalonia
Assailant was shot down in police station after showing "clear intention" to kill officers
Events happened on Monday just before 6am in Cornellà de Llobregat
Memories of that day in Barcelona a year ago remain with members of the emergency services who attended the victims
Ciutadans takes Roger Torrent and members of the chamber’s bureau to court for allowing a pro-independence vote
ANC and CUP criticize Felipe VI for his links with Saudi Arabia and his role in the independence bid
Rain could drop up to 40 liters per square meter in half an hour
Aragonès could become first government prosecuted for the independence bid
Casado takes tough stance on Catalonia in first meeting with Spanish president in which Catalan question played key role
In an exclusive interview, Quim Torra says he is confident CUP will back the bill
Artadi takes on Spanish delegation: “what’s their problem with dialogue?”
Spanish government rules out independence vote in meeting marked by "great discrepancies"
Ciutadans urges followers to “clean illegal separatist propaganda" off streets
Quim Torra states bilateral negotiations with Spanish government should lead to "actions and not only words"
Opposition skeptical as governments are set to meet on Wednesday after 7-year break