Unionist parties criticize police incorporation into Spain intelligence body
As Spainish government to deploy 600 officers in Catalonia in run up to National Day protests, law enforcement hot topic of debate again
As Spainish government to deploy 600 officers in Catalonia in run up to National Day protests, law enforcement hot topic of debate again
Albert Rivera accuses Catalan public TV of being at the service of the pro-independence movement and criticizes questions asked by journalist
Meeting should also address integration of Catalan police forces into Spanish and international antiterrorist coordination bodies
Sánchez's government calls for agreement in Catalan chamber if president to accept offer of Spain's speaker
Adrià Carrasco, accused of terrorism and rebellion for participating in pro-independence protests, says Spain offers "no guarantees of a fair trial"
Pro-independence parties passed referendum law despite flat opposition, and the government began to lay out voting logistics
Socialist government to send officers before Catalan National Day and first anniversary of independence referendum
In a visit to his predecessor, Catalan chief says he would give up October 2017 independence declaration mandate if Madrid grants binding referendum
Xavier Domènech, from the movement of Barcelona's mayor and Podemos, has stepped down from all posts in parliament and CatECP party
Government asks for "more details" on proposal before consideration as pro-independence parties take sides
In the days before his talk, Carles Puigdemont will also publish a book on the political crisis in English, French and Dutch
Quim Torra to give a speech on next steps for independence movement
Pablo Llarena being sued in case put forward by exiled Catalan pro-independence leaders
Unionist Ciutadans takes such signs to ombudsman while Catalan vice president calls on the party to stop "confrontation strategy"
Unionist Ciutadans, hosting the rally, claim assailant was not part of organization