Protesters attack journalist at demonstration against yellow ribbons
Participants attacked TeleMadrid cameraman thinking it to be the Catalan public broadcaster in a tense gathering
Participants attacked TeleMadrid cameraman thinking it to be the Catalan public broadcaster in a tense gathering
Catalan president to hold conference on September 4 to "regain initiative"
Trial to jailed and exiled pro-independence leaders is sure to shape year ahead
“How is it possible that the Spanish police violence on October 1 [referendum day] is not being investigated," asks current president after prosecutor moves against Catalan police
Individuals including Spain's Guardia Civil officer were carrying hooks and box cutters to strip off signs in favor of jailed political leaders
Speaking from Scotland, the Catalan leader admits that Spain’s new Socialist executive offers an “opportunity” for dialogue
First trip of former president after Spanish courts withdrew European arrest warrant against him, enabling him to return to Belgium from Germany
Foreign minister says appeal by Madrid is a "typical show of absurd and useless pride"
Spanish executive argues wrong administrative procedure but does not question relaunch of delegations
Spanish official for security calls for "common sense" in dealing with the "sensitive" issue of political symbols in public spaces
While police treat the incident as a terrorist attack, suspect’s family says he was no extremist and threatens legal action
Quim Torra warns of "violent groups" in operation, in reference to recent incidents involving Spanish police officers
Official says "extreme seriousness" of the assault justified shooting man dead, but far-left party and relatives of aggressor show skepticism
Quim Torra and Pedro Sánchez to sit down together again during autumn in Barcelona
Assailant was shot down in police station after showing "clear intention" to kill officers