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Judge prohibits Badalona City Hall from working on Spain’s National Day


Administrative Court Number 14 of Barcelona has prohibited Badalona City Hall from opening any municipal offices on Spain’s National Day, this Wednesday the 12th of October. The municipal government of Badalona announced earlier this week that it would offer their workers the possibility of working during the festivity in exchange for another free day, the 9th of December, coinciding with the Immaculada long weekend. This measure would have allowed the opening of offices providing services to citizens, with a skeleton staff of at least 50%, but the judge believes there are political intentions behind the municipal government decision to turn the 12-O into a voluntarily holiday and that these would harm "the general, social and collective interest" of the celebration, as well as the "ideological freedom" of workers. Parallel to the rise of Catalan national sentiment, the 12th of October is regarded in Catalonia as a day used by extreme-right forces to claim the union of the country and fight independence. 

October 11, 2016 07:49 PM

Council of Europe warns Spain over violation of its recommendations on judicial independence


Spain is failing in transparency and judicial independence. According to the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (Greco), the Spanish Government has not satisfactorily applied any of the eleven recommendations made by the Council of Europe (CoE) in 2013, which aimed at promoting the fight against corruption and guaranteeing judicial independence. In a report published this Monday, Greco states that it is “key” to increase “transparency of communication between the Prosecutor General and the Government”. Moreover, it warns that it is “crucial” that the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) in Spain is “not only free, but also seen to be free from political influence”. The text also stresses that “political authorities should not be involved, at any stage, in the selection process of judicial staff".

October 10, 2016 02:33 PM

Government evades Spanish Court suspension and passes anti-eviction law


The Catalan bill oriented toward avoiding evictions and facilitating mediation when the families involved are at social risk has been modified in order to dodge the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) suspension. The Catalan Government passed a new draft this Tuesday which aims to put to use the stockpile of empty apartments and guarantee the relocation of those families who can’t pay the rent. “The present text is legally impeccable” stated Catalan Minister for Public Administration and Housing, Meritxell Borràs. However, she admitted that the “Spanish Government is likely to put a spoke in our wheels”. The Government aims for the Parliament to pass the draft immediately, so that it can come into force this October. 

October 4, 2016 06:44 PM

Vall d’Hebron Hospital opens new surgical ward with cutting-edge technology


The surgical facilities at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona were created in the 50’s. Now, half of a century later, the hospital has launched a new surgical ward for highly complex surgery. It has 10,000 square metres and 19 operating theatres with cutting-edge technology. The coordinator of surgical activity, Joan Anton Huete, said that the new block will admit “a larger number of patients” and, therefore, waiting lists will be reduced. The Hospital expects to conduct more and better operations, because the surgery will be less aggressive, a fact that can make the postoperative care easier and shorten the hospitalisation period. The new surgical block has represented an investment of €37 million.

September 23, 2016 05:29 PM

Catalonia has the potential to lead the Third Industrial Revolution, says American economist Rifkin


Catalonia has the “cultural capital” and the “knowledge” to promote a new model of production, more sustainable than the “obsolete” one. This is the main conclusion of a lecture given at the conference “A new Economic Paradigm for a Sustainable Catalonia’ by economist Jeremy Rifkin organized on Wednesday in Sant Cugat, a city near Barcelona, by the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (Diplocat). According to the sociologist and political advisor, Catalonia has the potential to “lead the way of Regional Europe” to the ‘Third Industrial Revolution’. Rifkin predicts an economic paradigm shift as a result of two merging factors: Internet technology and renewable energies, which will create a powerful Third Industrial Revolution where people will produce their own green energy and will share it on a sort of “Energy Internet”, in the same way we share information today.

September 22, 2016 07:30 PM

Catalonia aims to host the largest higher education meeting in Europe in 2020


The Catalan Secretary of Universities and Research, Arcadi Navarro, and the President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Laura Howard, have a meeting next Friday September the 16th to discuss the candidacy of Barcelona as the venue for EAIE 2020. This annual event is the largest higher education conference in Europe and its 28th edition is currently taking place in Liverpool. Indeed, the meeting is going to be held within the framework of EAIE 2016. A Catalan delegation has set up a pavilion at the fair to improve the visibility of the Catalan higher education offer, from primary degrees to Master’s degrees and doctorates. 

September 14, 2016 06:57 PM

First confirmed infantile death from enterovirus in Catalonia


The first fatal victim of enterovirus has been confirmed this Tuesday in Catalonia. The victim was a baby who had been admitted to Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell, suffering from flu and vomiting followed by somnolence and flaccidity, on the 31st of July and who died on Monday, Catalonia’s Health Department confirmed. “This is the first case in which we have been able to identify the virus, which was A-71”, CatSalut director, Josep Maria Argimon, explained. 110 enterovirus-related cases have been found in Catalonia since April and another baby is currently in the hospital as well. During a press conference this Tuesday, the head of paediatrics at Barcelona Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Carlos Rodrigo, pointed to the fact that only between 3% and 5% of enterovirus cases end up being fatal.

September 13, 2016 06:22 PM

Catalan high-tech exports grow by 19.4%


Catalan exports of high-technology industrial products grew by 19.4% in the second trimester of the year in comparison to the same period in 2015. In total, these exports were worth €8 billion, according to a report published by the Catalan Institute of Statistics (Idescat). All the products in this group have increased their figures, starting with computer-related, electronic and optical products (+31.6%) and pharmaceutical products (+15.7%). Also relevant is the increase of the level of exports to the EU, which grew by 27.8% in comparison to the second trimester of 2015 and sales to the rest of the world, which registered a 12.2% increase in the second trimester of 2016 compared to the same period last year.   

September 8, 2016 07:47 PM

Engineering students compete in Montmeló with their own single-seater race car


Up to 1,750 students from all around the world worked throughout the year on the design and construction of single-seater racing cars that performed on the famous Circuit de Catalunya on Sunday. Formula Student Spain was held in Montmeló to allow students to practice all the knowledge they have acquired at university while simulating a real situation. Students had to work as if they were part of a real company, looking for suppliers and sponsors, planning costs as well as designing and constructing the cars. The Minister of Business and Knowledge of Catalonia, Jordi Baiget, described the event as a much-needed activity to enhance interaction between industry and university.

August 29, 2016 11:22 AM

International team led by Catalan scientist discovers an Earth-like planet


Proxima b orbits within what is considered to be a habitable zone of the star Proxima Centauri. The temperature on the surface of the rocky planet could allow the presence of liquid water, according to the research, developed at the Queen Mary University of London. This means that Proxima b, which has 1.3 times the mass of the Earth, could potentially be the first planet to host life outside of the Solar System discovered by humans. The planet takes 11.2 days to travel around its star, Proxima Centauri, covering during its orbit only 5% of the distance that separates the Sun and the Earth. However, scientists argue that this star is smaller and less intense, making the existence of life possible.

August 25, 2016 12:05 PM

Catalan volunteers to bring dignity to Vasilika refugee camp in Greece

Sara Prim

Two months after the Greek Police evicted the self-managed refugee camp at Eko Station, which hosted 1,800 people at a motorway petrol station 20 kilometres south of Idomeni, a group of Catalan volunteers aim to reproduce the projects which were carried out there in Vasilika, a military-run refugee camp located in an old warehouse in Central Macedonia, Greece. Most of the people settled in Eko Station, mainly Syrians and Iraqis, were moved to Vasilika, a camp which doesn’t comply with the minimum hygienic, sanitary and alimentary conditions. In order to bring dignity to this facility the volunteers have started to set up a 4,000-square-metre space which will host a school, a communal kitchen, a library and several communal areas to host workshops and activities for people of all ages. The initiative is expected to serve the 1,200 people currently living in Vasilika.

August 5, 2016 02:31 PM

Spanish and French police join forces in an effort to patrol High-Speed Trains

Begoña Fuentes/ Martin O’Donnell

The terrorist attacks in Paris in November last year unleashed a wave of police checks throughout the continent, especially along the French border near Girona. It is suspected that criminals have given up using cars to transport illegal goods across the border and are now using the train network as their preferred means of transport. To battle against this, a strategy had to be designed by both the Spanish and French police agencies that would see them working together to find an effective solution before it became too much of a problem. These teams have been in operation on the high-speed train that operates between Paris and Barcelona for the past three years now.  

August 4, 2016 06:18 PM

First baby with Zika-linked microcephaly in Europe born in Catalonia


Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron Hospital has seen the first birth in Europe of a baby with Zika-linked microcephaly. The new-born was born this Monday with a “low” cranial perimeter and has been hospitalised in a “correct and stable” condition. In May the health authorities reported to the family that the mother was infected and that the pregnancy was risky, but the parents decided to go ahead with the birth. 91 people infected with the Zika virus have been detected in Catalonia since the 1st of January, 24 man and 67 woman, 21 of which were pregnant at the time of diagnosis. 5 of them have already given birth, to healthy babes. All of the infected reported having been in South or Central America, in those areas where Zika is most active, and confirmed that they were bitten by mosquitoes during their stay. 

July 25, 2016 06:55 PM

86 wildfires hit Catalonia simultaneously


The Catalan government has set the maximum alert level for forest fires’ risk in 30 regions, most of them in central Catalonia, due to the high temperatures registered in the last few days, which exceeded 40 degrees in some areas. On Tuesday alone, 86 wild fires hit different regions of Catalonia simultaneously. However, the most important one occurred this Tuesday in Vallbona de les Monges, a small village 40 kilometres west from the city of Lleida. In less than 5 hours, the fire burned nearly 900 hectares, most of them cereal crops. The firefighters sent 55 land resources and 3 aerial’s, which achieved to stabilise the fire by Wednesday morning. However, they continue to water the perimeter to prevent the fire from reviving.



July 20, 2016 04:04 PM

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