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Spain announces a “national Erasmus” to “foster territorial cohesion”


The Spanish Minister for Health, Social Services and Equality, Dolors Montserrat, proposed this Tuesday during her appearance before the Commission of Health of the Spanish Parliament the creation of “Erasmus scholarships at a national level”. The programme will be named Cervantes, in commemoration of the fourth centenary of the death of the writer, and seeks to “promote territorial cohesion in addition to favouring the mobility of students”, Montserrat explained. It is a mobility project for students between 14 and 18 years old so that they can study the last two years of high school and the two pre-university years “in another Spanish city different from their own”. To be launched together with the Ministry for Education, the project “aims to promote knowledge of our cultural diversity, our traditions and languages”, said the Ministry in a statement.

December 20, 2016 06:48 PM

'Nature' includes Catalan astronomer Guillem Anglada-Escudé amongst 10 best scientists of 2016


‘Nature’s 10’, the annual list which distinguishes the year’s best scientists according to the journal, has included Catalan astronomer, Guillem Anglada-Escudé amongst its names. The researcher at Queen Mary University of London detected the nearest known planet outside the Solar System which he baptised ‘Proxima b’. He put together a team and got observing time on the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) at the European Southern Observatory as well as other telescopes that could double-check whether any promising evidence that they found was caused by stellar activity, which can mimic the signs of a planet. Within days, they confirmed that the planet was there; within weeks, they submitted a manuscript detailing their discovery. The planet, called Proxima b, has at least 1.3 times the mass of Earth and orbits Proxima every 11.2 days.

December 19, 2016 06:20 PM

Catalan projects receive 42% of European Research Council grants to Spain


42% of the grants the European Research Council (ERC) gave on Wednesday to researchers in Spain will benefit Catalan academics. Specifically, ten of the 24 scholarship holders are working in Catalonia: three belong to the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), two to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and one to the University of Barcelona (UB). The four remaining academics are involved in projects from other institutions such as the Centre for Genomic Regulation and the Institute of Photonic Sciences. This year, the ERC allocated a total of €605 million through its funding programme and evaluated 2,274 research proposals, of which 13.8% have been selected. The majority of the research initiatives are devoted to engineering and physics and the winners of the grants are from 39 different nationalities.

December 14, 2016 06:57 PM

Catalan scientists discover that saturated fat fuels the spread of cancer


A group of scientists from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) at the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology have identified a population of oral tumour cells which may feast on fats to spread throughout the body — a process called metastasis. According to the study, published this Wednesday in the prestigious scientific magazine ‘Nature’, some of these cells expressed high levels of a molecule called CD36, which helps cells to take up lipids from their environment. The research shows that applying antibodies that block CD36 and eliminate its interaction with fatty acids resulted in a reduced number of metastatic focus and also reduced their size by around 80% to 90%. “If we cut the lipids supply to those cells which generate metastasis they are practically unable to spread”, the leader of the IRB ‘Cancer and Stem cells’ team, Salvador Aznar Benitah, explained. 

December 8, 2016 06:52 PM

Catalan pupils score above Spain, EU and OECD average in PISA tests


The latest PISA survey shows that pupils in Catalonia have performed above the Spanish, European Union and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average in all subjects for the first time since the report series was launched in 2000. Catalan students had never reached a score of 500 in the three Pisa tests, always struggling with scientific and mathematical skills, but this time around they passed all of the exams. The average mark in Science is 504 points (12 points more than in the previous edition three years ago), 500 points in maths (7 more) and 500 in reading comprehension, losing a point compared to 2012. The average in Spain, the EU or the OECD is not 500 points or over for any of the three tests. According to the Catalan Minister for Education, Meritxell Ruiz, the results support the “transformation of the educational model” Catalonia has been undergoing since the introduction of the Education Act of Catalonia (LEC, going by its Catalan initials) in 2009.

December 6, 2016 02:59 PM

European Parliament calls for compensation for citizens affected by disasters such as the Castor Project


The European Parliament passed this Thursday a text, promoted by the Greek MEP Kostas Chrysogonos, which explicitly reports the Castor case and the thousand earthquakes suffered by the locals in Valencia and Catalonia’s Ebro Delta. This business project, consisting of an offshore facility that had to store 1.3 billion cubic metres of reserve gas for Spain, failed after causing over 1,000 small earthquakes. The European Parliament called this Thursday to “include the victims of collateral damage linked to prospecting, surveys and the operation of offshore facilities” in the potential beneficiaries of future compensations. “It is very important that all those affected by offshore oil and gas operations, which are proved to be in detriment of the environment and of the activities of other persons be compensated”, Chrysogonos said to the Catalan News Agency, after slamming the “scandal” which is the Castor case.

December 1, 2016 07:50 PM

More than 200 associations come together to promote Catalonia as 'home' for refugees


“Catalonia has always been a welcoming land”. This is the leitmotiv of the campaign launched today by 200 Catalan associations and NGOs and a hundred cultural companies and citizens. The initiative ‘Our home, your home’ seeks to promote the reception of refugees in Catalonia through a wide range of activities aimed at raising awareness among society. The movement arose from a group of Catalan volunteers who worked in the informal refugee camps in northern Greece, until the refugees were evicted and moved to premises under military control. “We felt ashamed of being accomplices to the policies of our Government and we promised we would do something to change their [the refugees] situation”, explained Ruben Wagensberg. Although Spain has to receive 10,500 refugees according to the scheme of distribution of the European Commission, it has only welcomed 516 to the date. The main goal of the initiative is to ensure that Catalan institutions act, ignoring the inaction from Spain, and start welcoming refugees. 

November 29, 2016 07:03 PM

Catalonia begins DNA testing to identify Spanish Civil War victims


80 years after the Spanish Civil War broke out, there are still 4,912 missing victims and more than 5,000 families continue to search for their relatives. The Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona has started to perform genetic tests on relatives of the missing in order to identify remains buried in mass graves. In the past two weeks, specialists have taken samples of the saliva of 80 elderly people in Barcelona. Most of them are siblings or children of the victims of the Franco regime. Isabel Domènech, a 79 year-old resident of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (a municipality near Barcelona), was two years old when her father died at the end of the Civil War. She has been looking for him for many years and claims her right to know where his remains rest: “it is the minimum we ask for”. The DNA profiling programme announced by the Catalan Government last September has requested more than 1,100 people to do these tests throughout the four Catalan provinces. The genetic profiles obtained will be cross-referenced with samples from the remains found and those which are still yet to be found in mass graves.  

November 25, 2016 05:07 PM

Government to grant asylum to ten Kurdish migrants found in lorry


Ten Kurdish people from Iran were found this morning hidden in a lorry in Lliçà d’Amunt, a village 30 kilometres from Barcelona, during a delivery route. According to the Catalan Secretary for Equality, Migration and Citizenship, Oriol Amorós, they are four minors, an adult woman and five adult men who had probably paid somebody to take them to England. Although Amorós said that “there are still doubts” about when they entered the lorry and what exactly their route was, the Government “will do everything in its power” to “give them asylum, regardless of their situation”. Moreover, bearing in mind that the migrants come from Iran, belong to the Kurdish minority and that “their human rights were being threatened”, they could have “recourse to the right of asylum and Catalonia would be able to take them in”.  

November 16, 2016 06:29 PM

Government may fine Gas Natural over death of old woman allegedly due to energy poverty


The Catalan Government may sanction the energy company Gas Natural Fenosa over the death of an 81-year-old woman, who died on Sunday night in a fire at her home in Reus. All evidence points to the victim, whose energy supply was cut off two months ago, being affected by energy poverty and illuminating the flat with candles. Indeed, the candles appear to be the cause of the fire that burned the mattress where she slept, according to the investigation carried out by the Catalan police, Mossos d’Esquadra. Municipal sources explained in a press conference this Tuesday that the Social Services of the City Hall were not aware of the woman’s lack of electricity due to a non-payment, as they didn’t receive any request for financial assistance, nor a notification from the supplier. Gas Natural now has a period of five days to respond and prove that it fulfilled the established protocols, otherwise the Catalan Government will fine the company.

November 15, 2016 06:52 PM

Barcelona opens space to promote intercultural exchange with the United States


Since this Monday Barcelona forms part of the global network of cities that boast an American Space, a place to promote cultural exchange with the United Sates. The Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra library inaugurated this morning a centre called American Space Barcelona that will offer free activities, programmes and workshops to citizens. The programme of activities of the centre aims at providing information on the US, teaching the English language and giving academic advice to study in the North American country.Barcelona’s Deputy Mayor for Business, Innovation and Culture, James Collboni, stated that the centre will allow “to overcome stereotypes, prejudices and preconceived ideas” about the United States, especially among young people. 

November 14, 2016 06:32 PM

Spanish Government cannot impose return of bullfighting on Catalonia, say dissenting magistrates


Bullfighting was effectively banned in Catalonia in 2012, after a Parliament Act was approved in 2010. On 20th of October last, however, the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) annulled the prohibition. Eight of the eleven magistrates at the TC considered that the Catalan Parliament “exceeded its competences” and “restricted the citizens’ rights and freedoms” when banning bullfighting. This week, the identities of the three dissenting magistrates have been unveiled. The judges Adela Asúa, Fernando Valdés Dal-Ré and Juan Antonio Xiol recalled that the Spanish Constitution does not give the Government the power to “displace” exclusive regional competencies, such as the regulation of public performances and animal protection, and therefore defend that the Spanish executive cannot impose the return of bullfighting on Catalonia. 

November 9, 2016 07:32 PM

Tarragona Mediterranean Games will have to wait until 2018


On the 15th of October 2011 the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games (ICMG) chose Tarragona as the city to host the Games in 2017. In this way Tarragona, in southern Catalonia, culminated its quest for the event, dating back to 2007. An unexpected turn, though, has now obliged the postponement of the Games for a year. The cause of such a measure is, according to the President of the ICMG, Amar Addadi, the “financial implications” deriving from the “10 months of deadlock” over the formation of the Spanish Government, which affected the “sporting activities and the preparation of the Tarragona Games”. The organisation has only received half of the €20 million expected from sponsorship and Spanish Government arrears owed to the project total €12 million. Hence, and in light of the economic climate, the Committee has decided to postpone the event, an unprecedented measure.   

November 7, 2016 06:53 PM

Overturning of bullfighting ban in Catalonia outrages 37 MEPs from different parties and countries


The possibility that bullfighting could return to Catalonia by imposition of the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) has outraged 37 MEPs from five different parties. The signatories of a joint declaration, promoted by Catalan Eco-Socialist ICV MEP, Ernest Urtasun, point out that “animal torture can’t be considered as a cultural expression” and describe bullfighting as “an unfair activity, which is sadistic and despicable”. The initiative is supported by MEPs from Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Holland, Austria and the Catalan MEPs Josep Maria Terricabras (ERC), Ernest Maragall (ERC), Ramon Tremosa (PDC), Javi López (PSC) and Francesc Gambús (Independent). On the 20th of October, the TC annulled the prohibition to host bullfighting in Catalonia after considering that the Parliament “exceeded its competences” and “restricted the citizens’ rights and freedoms” when banning bullfighting in 2010.

October 27, 2016 07:41 PM

Barcelona dismantles Franco exhibition after sculpture of dictator pulled down


Barcelona’s City Hall had to dismantle the exhibition ‘Franco-Victory-Republic: impunity and urban space’after the equestrian sculpture of dictator Francisco Franco was pulled down last night. The monument, the head of which was pulled off in an act of vandalism a couple of years ago, had suffered several attacks since it was put in place before the ‘El Born’cultural centre on Monday. It was vandalised with graffiti, many offended citizens threw eggs and fruits at it and even objects such as the head of a pig were spontaneously added to the monument. According to Barcelona’s Deputy Mayor, Gerardo Pisarello, the exhibition “was a good decision” rather than a mistake because “it has generated public debate and reflection on the Francoism impunity”. The exhibition also included another Francoist sculpture, ‘Victoria’, which was withdrawn this Friday by Barcelona’s City Hall, because it didn’t make “any sense without the sculpture of the dictator”, Pisarello explained.

October 21, 2016 02:40 PM

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