Security heightened at Catalan Parliament
Police controls have been strengthened and police officers are even searching the trunks of vehicles

Police officers have strengthened security controls around the Catalan Parliament. Early this morning, they closed the entrances to the Ciutadella Park, where the Catalan Parliament is located. Access to the park is restricted to MPs, employees, service companies and accredited media, who have to go through a security check. What’s more, police officers are even searching the trunks of vehicles trying to access the restricted space.
Some streets near the building have also been closed off, including one of the main roads with access to the park. The access to the zoo, which is also found in Ciutadella near the Parliament, is shut off. Meanwhile, nearby educational centres are teaching as usual.
The police operation is being carried out by the Catalan police in collaboration with the Spanish police for security reasons: the investiture debate was initially called for 3 p.m, and the pro-independence organization Catalan National Assembly (ANC) also called on citizens to demonstrate in front of the Parliament.
Spanish government pledged to prevent Puigdemont's return
The Spanish government has pledged to do everything in its power to stop Carles Puigdemont, currently in Belgium, from being sworn in as president in Parliament. The Spanish police strengthened the border controls between Catalonia and France on Friday. Several police vehicles set up a checkpoint in the old barracks at La Jonquera, on the AP-7 highway, and searched vehicles - including the trunks. A number of the Spanish police and Guardia civil corps officers also patrolled the area.
Mariano Rajoy’s Home Affairs minister, Juan Ignacio Zoido, announced an operation to prevent Puigdemont from returning to Catalonia and making it to the Parliament before being arrested. “We’ll try to prevent him getting into the Parliament, even inside the trunk of a car,” he said.
The Spanish Guardia Civil also went to the Sant Fruitós de Bages aerodrome to find out if Carles Puigdemont could land there, in his possible return to Catalonia. According to the director of SkyDiveBCN Saltamos center, Xavi Serra, a total of eight Spanish officers arrived at the facilities of the center and asked them about the track length and the characteristics of the aerodrome.