
Ski season begins in Catalonia

November 22, 2013 03:09 PM | ACN

5 Major Catalan ski resorts launch their season this weekend, on the 23rd and the 24th of November: La Molina, Vall de Núria, Vallter, Masella and Baqueira Beret. Thanks to the weather of these past few days, the resorts have been able to advance their opening a week earlier than initially planned. Indeed, the snowfalls have been exceptional for this time of year, ranging between 30 and 100 centimetres. Vallter was the luckiest resort with a snow thickness varying between 90 and 100 centimetres. They will be launching their new season with a party and a new range of mountain activities for all snow sports fans. The final four Catalan resorts are expected to open within the next 10 days.

Catalan and Aragonese Pyrenees may contain the footsteps of Europe’s last ever dinosaurs

September 13, 2013 05:56 PM | ACN

An investigation in the Pyrenees in the areas of Lleida (western Catalonia) and Huesca (northern Aragon) may have found the footprints of the last dinosaurs that inhabited Europe. The footprints are said to come from the Hadrosaurid family of dinosaurs and roughly be 65.5 million years old. The amount of fossils and footprints of dinosaurs that exist from the era just before their extinction - 65 million years ago - is scarce and limited to just a few places worldwide. Now one of those placed is in the Pyrenees.

Floods disappear in the Catalan Pyrenees but leave significant material damage and supply cuts

June 20, 2013 12:43 AM | CNA

Many of the 300 people evacuated in the Val d’Aran County will have to spend a second night out of their homes to rule out any risk. The task of verifying that houses do not have structural damage is slow and the people’s return will be gradual, starting on Thursday. After rivers in the Western Catalan Pyrenees overflowed on Tuesday, by Wednesday water levels had considerably lowered showing the damage created by the floods. Three bridges had been destroyed and some road stretches had collapsed since the ground beneath them was swept away by the water. In addition, many houses and shops had been flooded. Water supply has been interrupted in some areas since some pipes broke. Partial power and gas supply interruptions also occurred but the service was almost entirely restored by Wednesday evening.

Severe floods in the north-western Catalan Pyrenees

June 19, 2013 12:44 AM | CNA

The ice melting from the mountain tops and the heavy rain episodes of the last 24 hours have caused flooding of the Garonne, Noguera Pallaresa, Noguera de Cardós and other rivers in the mountain counties of the Val d’Aran, Pallars Sobirà, Alta Ribagorça and north of Pallars Jussà. More than 300 people have been evacuated from their homes in flooded or at risk areas. No victims or missing people have been reported, but material damage is considerable. Bridges have been swallowed by the waters and some roads have partially collapsed since the land beneath them has been swept away by the flood. Road access to the Val d’Aran County was closed as a precaution. Rain is expected to continue during the night and the reservoirs are overflowing because they have reached their maximum capacity.

A new primate species from 35 million years ago discovered in northern Catalonia

May 29, 2013 10:59 PM | CNA / Pedro Javier Armengou

The new species has been named “Nievisia sossiensis” and has been discovered by researchers at the Catalan Paleontology Institute. Described as a small primate that weighed between 100 and 150 grams and lived in the Eocen epoch, the remains have been found at the archeological site of Sossís near the town of Conca de Dalt (Lleida Pyrenees). The research has been published this month in the international magazine ‘Journal of Human Evolution’, specialized in Paleolithic Archaeology and Primatology.

Aragon's Parliament renames Catalan language spoken in its territory with the acronym 'LAPAO'

May 10, 2013 12:43 AM | CNA

The opposition has denounced “the insult to intelligence” and the “ridiculousness” of changing the official name of the Catalan language in Aragon. Catalan has been spoken in the eastern part of Aragon for almost a thousand years. In addition, the regional parliament has also changed the name of Aragonese, a minority language also spoken for many centuries in Aragon’s Pyrenean valleys. The People’s Party (PP) and a minority regional party called PAR have changed the law ruling Aragon’s official languages. Spanish is now considered the only official language in all Aragon and LAPAO (formerly Catalan) and LAPAPYP (Aragonese) are secondary languages. University experts have strongly criticised this decision which goes against all scientific criteria. From Catalonia, the situation is perceived as another attack on the Catalan language and an attempt to eradicate it from certain areas.

Walking 100 km to bring water to Sahel

April 22, 2013 07:11 PM | Júlia Manresa

The third edition of the Intermon Oxfam Trailwalker has collected 620,000 euros to improve access to water in Sahel, Africa. The challenge consisted in walking 100 kilometres from the Pyrenees to the Costa Brava in less than 32 hours. 260 teams made up of six people participated, with the only previous requirement of bringing 1,500 euros each for the cause. 187 teams crossed the finish line and records were broken as the first team to arrive, “”, completed the challenge in 9 hours and 45 minutes, faster than any other team in all the Trailwalker events held in 12 different countries.

Ban Ki-moon asks for talks regarding Catalonia’s self-determination claims

April 3, 2013 12:05 AM | CNA

“The United Nations respect self-determination processes” stated the Secretary General of the United Nations when he was asked about Catalonia’s and Scotland’s self-determination processes during his official visit to Andorra, a small independent country in the Pyrenees which has Catalan as its official language. Ban Ki-moon urged all the political leaders to talk and find a negotiated and peaceful solution. “All the pending issues among countries have to be solved via peaceful means and through dialogue, respecting the genuine will of the affected people”, he stated. As opposed to the United Kingdom’s Government, the Spanish Executive currently refuses to even talk about Catalonia’s self-determination claims, which are backed by November’s electoral results and recent opinion polls.

The number of extreme sport companies in the Lleida Pyrenees increases by 20%

March 25, 2013 10:18 PM | CNA / Marta Lluvich

The Pyrenees of Lleida are one of the main areas in Catalonia for adventure sports and the season officially kicks off this week, once the snow sports are about to end their season. Now begins the time for rafting, canyoning, horse-riding excursions, paragliding, mountain bike rides and hiking, which are among the most popular sports. In the last year, the number of companies working within these activities in the Province of Lleida has increased by 20%, reaching more than 200 enterprises. The sector has set the objective of reaching 625,000 services in 2013, similar to that of the last few years. However, they are concerned that the economic crisis and the VAT increase imposed by the Spanish Government might reduce the number of clients.

20% increase of Catalan caviar sales produced by Caviar Nacarii, from the Pyrenees

February 1, 2013 08:56 PM | CNA / Elise Griset

The Catalan brand sold 812 kilograms of caviar in 2012, all being produced in the Vall d’Aran County, in the north-western corner of Catalonia, in the middle of the Pyrenees. The sales increase is due to the growth in the international sales of its product. The 2012 main market has been Russia but now they are trying to introduce its caviar to Sweden and Taiwan. Therefore, they will be present in 10 countries in Europe and Asia. Besides caviar, the company also sold 7.5 tons of sturgeon meat which represents a 7% rise over the previous year.

Ski resorts in the Catalan Pyrenees to begin opening their slopes next weekend

November 27, 2012 10:33 PM | CNA

The first slopes ready for skiers and snow-boarders will be opened on December the 1st in the north-western corner of Catalonia. The rest of the resorts plan to kick off the season on the bank holiday of December the 6th. This season some new things will be on offer. Port del Comte will have the first snowpark in Catalonia to be open at night. Espot, Port Ainé and Tavascan will offer ‘gas cheques’ to fund part of the car trip up. Additionally, a single ticket will work for skiing in these 3 resorts as well as in Vallter 2000, La Molina and Vall de Núria. Baqueira Beret has invested €2.2 million in improving the venues. Overall, business owners are optimistic about the coming season.

The Ministry of Defence will maintain the Pyrenees’ military academy of Talarn open

June 6, 2012 08:13 PM | Adrià Attardi

After some months of uncertainty about the future of this training centre in the Pyrenees, the Spanish Government confirmed that NCOs will be able to continue their studies in the academy, although its activity will be reduced. In the last few months, the Platform for the Pyrenees University presented some alternative uses for these facilities, with the objective of converting them into a civilian academic centre. Another platform, Acadèmia Sí, was created at the same time to fight for the maintenance of the military academy, as it is one of the key actors in the local economy.

International tourist industry meets in Catalonia

April 21, 2012 01:02 AM | CNA

The 21st edition of Catalonia’s International Tourism Fair takes place between April 20th and 22nd in Barcelona. In this annual trade fair, the sector displays its best offers and trends. This year sport tourism, wine tourism and the camping sector are some of the main attractions. More than 200,000 people are expected to visit the event. Tourism represents 12% of Catalonia’s GDP, employing more than 400,000 people. The Catalan tourist industry welcomed 23.5 million visitors in 2011 and earned €11.3 billion; estimates for 2012 expect figures to increase by 7%. National Geographic included the Costa Brava as one of its top 20 destinations worldwide.