First lambeosaurine dinosaurs in Europe found in Catalan Pyrenees
Group of hadrosaurids arrived from Asia some 275,000 years earlier than thought, say researchers
Group of hadrosaurids arrived from Asia some 275,000 years earlier than thought, say researchers
Catalan Pyrenees awoke on Thursday to the first snowfall of the year, making ski resorts "very optimistic" about the imminent new season
Catalan politicians are taking a break from the country’s turbulence while they can
Pyrenean predator responsible for multiple attacks on livestock
The Dansàneu festival sees top artists performing in historic venues in the Catalan Pyrenees
Tourism agency holds event in Boston museum as part of drive to bring in more American visitors looking for "cultural tourism"
The incident in northern Catalonia did not cause deaths or injuries, but some pieces were found at 2,200 meters altitude
Farmers leaving conventional methods to take over the full cycle of production
Heavy snowfall midweek means Saturday and Sunday could be among the best skiing days of the season
Tens of thousands were drawn to the Lleida and Girona Pyrenees over Christmas, with snowfalls forecast in coming days
Cross-country skiing is on the rise with numbers set to exceed last year's 76,000 visitors
With four days off from December 6 to 9, mountain, country and coastal areas are looking forward to a bumper year
Local artist aims to reclaim local historical memory by transforming public spaces
Early snowfall creates expectation of record year and longest season ever
Figure far higher than usual –and also above the likes of Paris, Berlin, Oslo, southern England in all 2017