Poet and translator Josep Piera wins prestigious Catalan literary award
Valencian author awarded Òmnium's 55th Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes
Valencian author awarded Òmnium's 55th Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes
Legal team of pro-independence leader Jordi Cuixart reveals details of appeal in European Court of Human Rights
We are in a “time of literary, political, economic and social crisis,” says winner
Dilma Rousseff, Yoko Ono, Ai Wei Wei, and five Nobel prize winners among supporters
Organizers estimate 59,500 participate in for National Day celebration with strict health and safety measures
Marcel Mauri calls move a “maneuver by the state powers to protect themselves”
Recipient of 52nd Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes one of the most influential writers of his generation
Catalan National Assembly and Òmnium Cultural will take part in the case looking into police charges on the day of the 2017 referendum
Football coach joins musicians, former politicians and activists in backing manifesto demanding "real dialogue" between Catalonia and Spain
The leader of Òmnium rejects a pardon and "blackmail" attempts, however much he wants a temporary leave permit
Jason Y. Ng is in Catalonia to give a conference on non-violent protest and visited the jailed Òmnium Cultural president
Spanish government's handling of Catalan conflict among points included in Wednesday's Universal Periodic Review
Òmnium targets citizens in the UK, France, and Germany in first stage of ‘Act For Catalonia’ campaign