Pro-independence group urges Europeans to call political leaders to action on Catalan conflict
Òmnium targets citizens in the UK, France, and Germany in first stage of ‘Act For Catalonia’ campaign

The pro-independence Òmnium Cultural organization has launched an online campaign urging European citizens to pressure their political leaders to intervene in the conflict between Catalonia and Spain.
In the umpteenth effort by the Catalan independence camp to draw international attention to their political cause, Òmnium has set up a website providing shortcuts for reaching out to European heads of government, such as Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel and, Emmanuel Macron.
The sample tweet for the British prime minister reads as follows: "Mr @BorisJohnson, Catalan leaders have been sentenced to 100 years in prison for exercising human rights. For the sake of democracy, talk to the Spanish president @sanchezcastejon: Catalonia needs a political solution #ActForCatalonia."
While the campaign is currently targeting citizens in the European Union’s three largest countries (Germany, the UK, and France), Òmnium plans to widen its scope to include Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and the Netherlands.