
Raimon’s emotional farewell concert

May 29, 2017 11:09 AM | ACN

One of the most important singer-writers in the Catalan language took the stage for the last time on Sunday at the iconic Palau de la Música in Barcelona. Raimon, leading voice of the Nova Cançó cultural and protest movement, said good bye with an emotional concert after more than 50 years on stage. With all the tickets sold out, Raimon said he wanted to finish his career with the same attitude as he started it, and sang ‘Al Vent’, an anti-Franco protest song that became a popular anthem against the fascist dictatorship in Spain. The concert on Sunday was the last of twelve evenings at the Palau de la Música in which the singer from Xàtiva performed old favorites but also more modern songs accompanied by a children’s choir.

Björk to open Barcelona’s ‘Sónar’ music festival

May 10, 2017 11:51 PM | ACN

Björk, the famous Icelandic singer, will perform an exclusive four-hour DJ session for Sónar festival’s opening night on June 14. The same day, an ‘immersive’ exhibition dedicated to the artist (‘Digital Björk’) will open its doors at Barcelona’s Center of Contemporary Culture (CCCB) and the artist will give a talk at Sónar+D. The 24th edition of the Sónar festival will open Wednesday, June 14 with Björk’s DJ performance and close on Sunday, June 18 in Barcelona’s Auditori with a Nico Muhly concert accompanied by the German orchestral group Stargaze. As for the festival’s musical program, this year’s edition comprises of outstanding names such as Justice, Nicolas Jaar, Moderat, Masters at Work, Arca & Jesse Kanda, Soulwax, Dj Shado or De la Soul among others.

The Auditori Concert Hall embraces new music season with offers for everyone

May 4, 2017 12:35 PM | ACN / Pau Cortina - Íngrid Gustems

A new season of music is ready at the Auditori Concert Hall, in Barcelona for the 2017-18 season. Worldwide artists will perform at the Catalan home of classical music in a mix of multicultural performances from beloved soundtracks to concerts by famous orchestra directors as Venezuelan Gustavo Dudamel. The 17/18 season will continue to promote the emerging artists but it will also include ancient music through an ambitious project: the ‘Jove Capella Reial de Catalunya’. This new ‘ensemble’ of young talents, led by the world-famous Catalan musician Jordi Savall, will offer a concert dedicated to the first great Catalan baroque composer, Joan Cererols.