Real estate sales fall 14% in October
Information published by the Catalan Ministry of Public Works shows that real estate transcations went down 22% in the third trimester after 3 trimesters of consecutive increases.
Information published by the Catalan Ministry of Public Works shows that real estate transcations went down 22% in the third trimester after 3 trimesters of consecutive increases.
The decrease in the number of jobless has been fuelled by an improvement in the industrial and construction sectors. In Spain, unemployment has risen to more than 4 million people.
Madrid-based professionals are paid 2.24% more than in Catalonia and 20% more than in València. Catalonia’s salaries decreased, after having reached salary parity with Madrid in practical terms. The crisis has stopped salary convergence throughout Spain.
80% of Catalan municipalities registered decreases or stock stagnation during the 1st trimester of the year. For the 2nd trimester of the year, Catalonia registered decreases in real estate stock for the first time since 2006.
Catalonia has experienced the 8th month in a row of continuous increases in housing sales in relation to the same month of last year. This data confirms the slow recovery of the sector. However, in comparison to July 2010, housing sales dropped 6%.
Isolated picket actions and violent anti-system protests contradicted the generally calm and respectful spirit of the general strike in Catalonia, which respect minimum services agreed on. Trade unions state that 80% of Catalan workers followed the strike. Small and medium-sized business associations quantified 1.2% of the strike’s success. The Catalan Government quantifies 11% of public employees who did not go to work today.
The Vic Live Music Market Festival began yesterday with performances by the eclectic artists Pedro Javier González, Raúl Rodríguez and Trilok Gurtu. The 5-day event will include live flamenco, jazz, pop and Latin music shows from local and international artists.
The data compares to July of 2009 and confirms an 8-month trend of continuous increases. For the rest of Spain, there has been an increase of 16.4%. This data confirms construction market’s recovery.
According to data from the Catalan Ministry of Employment, the number of unemployed people receiving additional job training education is 49.6%, exceeding the European average by 16.3%. Among young people, many are dropping out of the courses to return to formal education.
The Barometer of confidence in the housing sector indicates a restoration of trust for the first time since the beginning of the economic crisis
Businesses from Catalonia and Quebec are starting to form partnerships in the fields of aerospace, consulting, and biotechnology. ?Quebec is an opportunity for Catalan companies to enter into the American market?, said Françoise Bertrand.
Some young workers are becoming stuck into long-term unemployment, with little future perspectives. In addition, long-term unemployment has overtaken short-term unemployment.
'Come & See', or the International Stage Arts Market, is a showcase of Catalan theatre and dance for professionals of the international theatre scene. Some of the most internationally recognised Catalan performers participate.
It is the 6th month in a row that the sales of houses and flats have grown in Catalonia. 30% more flats have been sold in relation to last year, confirming the recovery of the market.
The plan started 2 years ago to foster quality employment. More than 160,000 people have benefited from the programme, although only 10,000 found a quality job.