
Animac, the International Animated Movie Exhibition of Catalonia, is ready to roll

February 26, 2013 07:20 PM | CNA / Ana Macías

The 17th edition of the International Animated Movie Exhibition of Catalonia, Animac, will take place once again in the Catalan city of Lleida, in western Catalonia. From the 28th of February to the 3rd of March, Lleida will become the capital city of international animated cinema once again, playing host to a large number of conferences, presentations, workshops and related activities about this entertainment industry. The exhibition’s program was announced in Barcelona at the CCCB, where the documentary maker Hanna Heilborn was invited to talk about her anti-slavery work ‘Slavar’. More than one hundred movies will be shown over five days in Lleida’s Animac.

CaixaBank announces a restructuring plan with 3,000 job losses in Spain

February 25, 2013 11:06 PM | CNA

The Barcelona-based bank, CaixaBank, which leads the Spanish retail banking market, is planning to lay off 3,000 workers in order “to adapt to the current context” and “improve the efficiency” of its resources. According to the Catalan financial company, the reform is “necessary” after having taken over Banca Cívica’s network and as they absorbing Banc de València’s too. CaixaBank has engaged in formal talks with the unions, which could be on-going until late April. The objective is to negotiate the exact measures to adjust the staff numbers to the business volume.

The President of the Catalan Government proposes 51 measures to fight corruption and increase transparency

February 22, 2013 11:53 PM | CNA

After holding the second high-level meeting with top representatives from all the public powers involved in the fight against corruption and fraud in Catalonia, the Catalan President, Artur Mas, presented a document setting out a list of measures. The document takes into account suggestions and comments by all the attending public powers, but it is not a joint text issued by all the participants, Mas emphasised, as it is only signed by the President of the Catalan Government. An initial meeting was organised on the 6th of February to exchange views and gather ideas. The listed measures relate to transparency, public contracts, judicial capacities, political parties, control bodies and democratic regeneration.

54.7% of Catalans would support independence from Spain in a referendum according to a poll

February 21, 2013 11:41 PM | CNA

The latest political poll issued by the Catalan Survey Centre (CEO), published every three months, shows that 54.7% of those interviewed would vote “yes” in an independence referendum, while 20.7% would vote “no” and 17.0% would abstain. Three months ago, the “yes” option was backed by 57% of the interviewees while in February 2012 it was only backed by 44%. Besides, 46.4% of citizens would support an independent Catalan state as their first choice, which represents an increase of 2.1 percentage points in three months and a 17.4 point increase in one year. 22.4% would prefer a federal Spain, 20.7% the current situation and 4.4% Catalonia being a region within a more centralised Spain.

The Catalan Government posts a 2% deficit for 2012, correcting the previous preliminary figure

February 21, 2013 10:36 PM | CNA

A month ago, the Catalan Government issued a preliminary deficit figure for last year of 2.3%. Now, the Catalan Finance Minister, Andreu Mas-Colell, has corrected this and issued “a more precise figure, although not definitive yet”, which represents having undertaken an adjustment of €3.3 billion in a single year. The Catalan Government was supposed to meet a deficit target of 1.5% in 2012, a figure imposed by the Spanish Executive and considered too strict by Mas-Colell, since it is not proportional to the Catalan Executive’s share of public spending. For 2013, the Spanish Government is imposing an even stricter 0.7% deficit target. Mas-Colell has been repeating that it is “irrational” and needs to be changed.

Catalan multinational Abertis’ recurrent net profit increased by 2% and reached €613 million

February 19, 2013 11:29 PM | CNA

The highway, airport and telecommunication services management company earned a net profit of €1,024 million in 2012, 42% more than in the previous year, mainly thanks to the sales of Eutelsat and Brisa. The net profit without the surplus value reached €613 million, 2% more than in 2011. The Barcelona-based group presented better results in all of its main financials: revenues increased by 3%, recurrent earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) by 2%. Abertis emphasised that these results have been reached in a context of economic recession in some of its main markets. However, the traffic increase in the Americas (+4.5%) and Abertis’ efficiency plans compensated for the traffic decrease in southern Europe.

Gas Natural Fenosa increased its net profit by 8.8% in 2012, earning €1.44 billion

February 19, 2013 09:45 PM | CNA

The Catalan energy multinational’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached €5.08 billion, 9.4% more than in 2011, thanks to its international business, which grew by 22.6% and balanced out the stagnation in the Spanish market. In fact, Gas Natural Fenosa’s business in Spain now only accounts for 56.8% of its gross profits, while in 2011 this represented 61.5%. Furthermore, the firm’s financial debt decreased by 7.5% and now the company’s financial debt/EBITDA ration is 3.1. With these results, the Barcelona-based company has fulfilled the objectives of its strategic plan up until 2012.

Barcelona-based Abertis believes Bolivia will pay “adequate compensation” after nationalising Sabsa

February 18, 2013 10:47 PM | CNA

The Catalan company Abertis, which owns 90% of Sabsa, denies the accusation stated by the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, that they made a poor investment. Abertis emphasised that between 2005 and 2012, Sabsa invested $12.6 million, and paid $38.6 million to hold the airports and $9.4 million in taxes. However, Abertis accepts the nationalisation of its subsidiary company, which manages the international airports of La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. Two other Spanish companies have been nationalised by Morales in the last 10 months. The Barcelona-based multinational believes that the nationalisation process will be “based on international law” and therefore it will receive fair compensation. On Monday, Morales announced the immediate nationalisation of Sabsa. The Spanish Government will review its relations with Bolivia.

Catalonia defends its exclusive power to manage local councils and notes that 90% of Catalan councillors do not earn a salary

February 15, 2013 11:13 PM | CNA

The Catalan Government and most of the political parties have criticised the Spanish Government’s project to reduce local powers. Furthermore, the Catalan Vice-President, Joana Ortega, emphasised the “unfair vision” of local governments given by the Spanish Finance Minister. Ortega underlined that in Catalonia, most of the town halls ended 2012 with a budget deficit of 0%, which is “not in line with the mismanagement image given” by the Spanish Government. Furthermore, while the Spanish Government is aiming to reduce the number of councillors earning a salary to only 18%, Ortega reminded them that in Catalonia only 10% are now earning a salary. Political parties in Catalonia criticised the Spanish Government for taking away power from the government level closest to the citizens.

The Catalan economy contracted by 1.3% in 2012, while the Spanish economy decreased by 1.8%

February 14, 2013 10:57 PM | CNA

Economic recession hit Catalonia even harder in 2012 than in 2011, when it dropped by 0.7%. The contraction was especially severe in the last quarter of the year. In December, Catalonia’s GDP plummeted by 0.6% compared to 3 months previously. The fourth quarter’s poor figures made the Catalan economy contract by 1.3% over 2012. In 2011, it also decreased but at a slower pace, dropping by 0.7%. For the whole of Spain, the economy plummeted by 1.8% in 2012 and by 0.7% over the last quarter of the year, compared to the figures from September 2012. The main reason behind the last quarter’s drop is the decrease in consumption by families, compared to the purchases made in the third quarter, before the VAT increase.

Ildefonso Falcones: “If ‘Cathedral of the Sea’ had not been published, I could not have done the same effort again”

February 14, 2013 07:07 PM | Clara Roig / Paco Cavaller

A week before Ildefonso Falcones’ third novel ‘The Barefoot Queen’ goes on sale, CNA interviews the Barcelona lawyer that became internationally acclaimed in 2006 thanks to his best-selling debut ‘Cathedral of the Sea’. The novel, set in medieval Barcelona sold seven million copies in 40 countries and introduced him to the literature scene as one of the main Spanish authors of historical novels. Now, on the 21st of February, he will publish his third book, which will be on sale simultaneously in Spain, Latin America and the United States. Falcones explains what writing means to him as well as the difficulties of the creative process.

The Mediterranean diet reduces by 6% the risk of developing breast cancer

February 14, 2013 03:57 PM | CNA / Elise Griset

Researchers from the Catalan Institute of Oncology have led the largest international study on breast cance4r and nutrition. The 8-year study has been based on 335,062 women between 35 and 70 years old. It has involved 23 centres in 10 European countries and it has been published in the ‘International Journal of Cancer’. The study concludes that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 6% among women in general and 7% in the case of post-menopausal patients.

The Catalan Government plans to save €700 million by reducing civil servants’ salaries and not replacing vacancies

February 13, 2013 10:44 PM | CNA

The Catalan Executive has provided details of how it will adjust €4 billion of its 2013 budget in order to meet the deficit target imposed by the Spanish Government. Besides the 1 billion tax increase already announced, the Catalan Executive will have to implement further budget cuts. On Thursday it will present its austerity plan for 2013 to the unions, which will affect all public employees, in order to save €700 million. As last year, public employees will not receive 7% of their annual salary, corresponding to part of the summer and Christmas bonuses. According to the unions, 3,000 civil servant posts will remain empty and 10,000 substitution contracts will not be signed.

Sitges celebrates Carnival in style with colourful and wild parades

February 13, 2013 09:15 PM | Carlota Guerra

The Sitges Carnival is one of the best-known in Spain. Its spectacular nature, alongside with the crowded parades and the dedication of the entire city to this festival, make thousands of tourists and people from all over Catalonia visit the city and enjoy its Carnival. For a week, the whole town dresses up and organises activities that include parades, parties, races or balls, where adults and children have fun together. This year, more than 300,000 people joined the villagers in the celebration of Sitges’ most important holiday.

Gas Natural Fenosa buys 10% of Medgaz submarine pipeline from Algerian company Sonatrach

February 13, 2013 08:41 PM | CNA / Clara Roig

Leading Catalan electric and natural gas company Gas Natural Fenosa has bought 10% of Medgaz, a submarine gas pipeline between Algeria and Europe that provides natural gas to the south of Europe. The pipeline has a capacity of transporting eight billion cubic meters per year and the acquisition has cost the Catalan company €61.9 million. Gas Natural Fenosa will use 10% of the transport capacity of the gas pipeline. The contract will last for 18 years.