catalan way

Carmen Amoraga wins the 70th Nadal literary award

January 7, 2014 05:44 PM | ACN

The novel ‘La vida era eso’ by Carmen Amoraga has won the Nadal Award, in the 70th anniversary of this literary prize given by Destino publishing house. Albert Villaró with his roman ‘Els ambaixadors’ was awarded the Josep Pla Prize for prose in Catalan, also given by Destino, on the same evening. Amoraga’s book tells the story of a woman who dives into the social networks after the death of her husband. The novel by Villaró invents an alternative outcome of the historical facts that happened in October 1934, when the Catalan President Lluís Companys proclaimed the “Catalan State of the Spanish Federal Republic”.

Mas letter an “exotic” move with “zero international influence”, say unionists

January 3, 2014 04:47 PM | ACN

The political parties against the referendum on independence have criticised the Catalan Government’s decision to send a letter explaining the country’s political process to the 28 EU leaders and to the President of the European Commission. The Catalan socialists (PSC) think that abroad, the move will be seen as “exotic” and also shows “a complete lack of understanding of international relations”. For the Conservatives of the PP, the letter is “internal propaganda” only aimed at independence supporters and will have “zero international influence”. The spokesperson of Ciutadans (C’s) said the document was like a joke from “April Fool’s Day”. CiU, Mas’ party, regretted that the PSC, the PPC and C’s reacted with “insults and contempt” to each and every one of the Catalan President’s moves.

Mas calls on EU leaders for support of the 2014 referendum on independence

January 3, 2014 04:09 PM | ACN

The Catalan President has sent a letter to the international leaders, detailing the agreement to hold a referendum in Catalonia, and urging them to encourage this “peaceful, democratic, transparent and democratic process”. In the letter, Mas explains that he is seeking to reach an agreement with the Spanish Government so the consultation can take place. He also states that there are five “legal and constitutional options” to authorize it.

Catalonia and Spain miss 2013 deficit targets

December 30, 2013 07:07 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government deficit amounted to 1.6% of the GDP between January and October, and consequently missed the 1.58% target imposed by the Spanish Government. Madrid was also not able to comply with the limit set for the central government, and had a deficit of 3.96% in November, higher than the 3.8% required for the whole year. The Spanish autonomous communities’ total deficit amounted to 1.12% of the GDP in October, which was in line with the yearly objectives, according to the Spanish Government. When considering the deficit of the autonomous communities, the Spanish state and the Social Security, it amounted to 4.87% of the GDP. The payments of the banking bail-out will also be included in this figure at the end of the year. Brussels had set a global limit of 6.5% for Spain in 2013.

Mas to the Spanish Government: “Let us vote”

December 30, 2013 06:46 PM | ACN

The Catalan President, Artur Mas, urged Spain “to listen to the voice of the Catalan people” by allowing the referendum on independence to take place in 2014. In his New Year’s Eve Speech, Mas said that “there is nothing as democratic” as deciding the future of the country “in the ballot box”. “Solving the big issues in the polls should not cause any qualms nor fears, and it is obvious that our future and the relationship that we should have with Spain and Europe is a tremendously big issue”, he said in a speech broadcasted by Catalan Television on Monday.

Catalan independence is not a democratic option –says Spanish Government report

December 30, 2013 02:45 PM | ACN

The Spanish Government has written a 210-pages document to brief its staff and diplomats abroad on the arguments opposing the Catalan Government’s plans to hold a referendum on independence in 2014. The document argues that “it is inappropriate to talk about a democratic principle” when discussing the possibility of Catalan independence. The text, seen by Spanish newspaper ‘El País’, claims that independence would certainly imply an “economical decline” and would put to an end the “Catalan European vocation”. Sources from the Spanish ministry of Foreign Affairs have confirmed to the CNA the existence of such a document but explained that it is for “internal use” only. According to the sources, it is “usual” to send reports dealing with such “specific issues”.

PSOE rules out the Catalan Socialists’ patch to keep Catalonia within Spain

December 27, 2013 07:51 PM | ACN

“There is only one reform of the Constitution and it the one we have already agreed on”, stated the Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, in response to the Catalan Socialists’ proposal to approve a “singular redefinition” of Catalonia’s “fitting” within Spain. Rubalcaba said that the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) – which is member of the PSOE – had not sent him any proposal on this issue. “They should explain it to me. I do not know anything about it”, he said when he was asked about the PSC’s proposal. In an exclusive interview with the CNA, the PSC’s Spokesperson at the Catalan Parliament, Maurici Lucena, explained that a temporary measure should be adopted urgently to better fit Catalonia within Spain while waiting for a global reform of the Spanish Constitution, a lengthy process that can take years.

“A transition agreement” can keep Catalonia within the EU, underlines the Catalan President

December 27, 2013 07:44 PM | ACN

In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, emphasised that an independent Catalonia would “want to remain” within the European Union. Mas highlighted the need to reach “a transition agreement” to ensure the uninterrupted continuity of an independent Catalonia within “the Eurozone, the EU, the Schengen Area and the NATO”. In addition, Mas insisted that, if the Spanish Government bans the self-determination referendum, he will have to call plebiscitary elections to give Catalans the opportunity to vote on their future. Besides, Mas announced he “will quit politics soon”; “at most” he will be in office for just “another term” to “push forward” Catalonia’s self-determination process.

Catalonia ranked fourth in Spain with GDP per capita of €26,412

December 27, 2013 07:37 PM | ACN

Catalonia has confirmed its fourth place in the Autonomous Community rankings of GDP per capita, according to figures released by the Spanish Institute of Statistics (INE). This data from 2012 reveals that the Basque Country is still the leading area in Spain, followed by the region of Madrid and Navarre. The figures indicate that the GDP per capita of Catalonia amounted to €26,412 in 2012, meaning 0.7 % less than in 2011. In 2012, the wealth generated by the Catalans totalled €192,535 million, 18.7 % of the Spanish GDP, above the 2011 figures when Catalonia contributed to 18.6 % of the Spanish economy.

Catalan Socialists propose a temporary patch to better fit Catalonia into Spain

December 27, 2013 05:07 PM | ACN / Rafa Garrido

The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) proposes a “singular redefinition” of Catalonia’s “fitting” within Spain that should be accomplished urgently while waiting for a global reform of the Spanish Constitution. Maurici Lucena, the PSC Spokesperson at the Catalan Parliament, told the CNA that this temporary measure should avoid “the collision” between the two sides. The measure should “shield” Catalonia’s powers, language and culture from recentralisation and homogenisation attempts, and it would also include a fairer fiscal scheme. In the coming weeks, the PSC will try to convince the PSOE – to which is federated – about it. This proposal is quite similar to the Catalan Statute of Autonomy that was approved in 2006, but trimmed in 2010 by the Constitutional Court following an appeal from the People’s Party (PP) – which now runs the Spanish Government.

14.8 million foreign tourists visit Catalonia between January and November

December 23, 2013 08:25 PM | ACN

In the first eleven months of 2013, Catalonia has been the favourite destination in Spain for international visitors. Indeed, 14,838,018 foreign tourists have travelled to Catalonia during this period, meaning 25.8 % of the total number of international visitors in Spain. This represents an increase of 7.4% over the same period in 2012. In November, Catalonia has welcomed 836,654 foreign tourists and has only been surpassed by the Canary Islands (1,073,759). Stays in hotels have also registered an upward trend: they have increased by 8.6% at Spanish level this month and by 4.1% in Catalonia. The majority of these foreign tourists come from France, the UK, and Germany while the number of visitors from Russia and Belgium has also increased significantly.

Catalan Government stops cutting off energy supplies to families in need

December 23, 2013 08:16 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government has finally approved a decree protecting families in need from having their household electricity and gas cut off by energy supply companies during the winter months. The measure aims to fight the so-called ‘energy povert’: people who cannot afford to pay for their energy bills because they do not get minimum income. This way, the Catalan Government ensures they can continue having heating and using their cooking devices during the coldest period of the year. Energy companies will not be able to cut off supplies to these families between November and March. Besides, the Catalan Government has also approved a temporary budget extension for the coming weeks, since the People’s  Party (PP) – which runs the Spanish Executive – has blocked the approval of the 2014 budget.

800 British skiers land at Lleida Airport to launch winter season

December 23, 2013 07:54 PM | ACN

This Sunday, 800 tourists from the UK landed at Lleida-Alguaire Airport (Western Catalonia) to go skiing in the Pyrenees. The high number of English passengers is mostly due to the commitment of British tour operator Neilson Thomas Cook to the Catalan airport, which will run flights from Manchester, Southampton, Birmingham, Gatwick and Bristol. Until March, 20,000 skiers are expected to land in Lleida, along with 15,000 other visitors, to make the airport’s total number of passengers reach 35,000. Many of them will then cross the border to enjoy ski resorts in Andorra. According to the Catalan Government’s Delegate in the Lleida Province, Ramon Farré, these figures still show that “this airport is far from other airports in Spain which are not so successful”.

Experts suggest increasing cooperation between an independent Catalonia and Spain

December 20, 2013 09:21 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government’s Advisory Council for the National Transition (CATN), formed of renowned independent experts, emphasised that Catalonia’s independence from Spain would not represent breaking their affective and historical bounds. Furthermore, they insisted on the need to continue and even to increase cooperation “based on a new principle of equality and mutual respect between both parties”. They have suggested different ways to cooperate, through different structures. For instance, they proposed the creation of the ‘Iberian Council’ bringing together Catalonia and Spain, as well as Portugal and Andorra if they wished to, which would mirror the Nordic Council or the Benelux. Furthermore, the CATN issued three other reports, including a detailed analysis of Catalonia’s tax agency.

Italian and German investment funds buy two Catalan Government buildings

December 20, 2013 08:42 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government put 4 buildings up for auction this Friday, following a plan to rationalise the spaces it uses, reduce spending and increase revenue in order to reduce public deficit. The headquarters of the Catalan Finance Ministry, located in a 8,000 square metre Art-Nouveau building in Barcelona’s Rambla Catalunya, has been bought by an Italian pharmaceutical company through FINAF 92 for €23.2 million. The other building, with a surface of 7,200 square metres, was used by the Catalan Police and is located in front of Barcelona’s Ciutadella Park. It has been bought by the German hotel company MO Düsseldorf Immermannstrasse GmbH & CO. KG for €14.1 million. On Thursday, the Catalan Government announced a plan to reduce its office space by 45% in the coming year by concentrating services. The plan includes selling the most attractive buildings.