Jailed officials on hunger strike send letters to 40 European leaders
The pro-independence officials will also appeal their suspension as MPs in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
The pro-independence officials will also appeal their suspension as MPs in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
The entity wants for the international and local observers to determine if “the right to defense and impartial trial” are respected in the Supreme Court
The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia held its second session since being reopened after Spain’s direct rule shut it down
Local election heats up as philosopher and political commentator confirmed as new candidate
Arrimadas urges Madrid to "defend" those who don’t agree with Catalonia’s pro-independence president
Zapatero says Madrid should make "great effort to establish dialogue"
Vote backed by 61% of unionists and 97% of independence supporters
EU epitomizes "capitalism, imperialism, institutional racism, and militarization," claims party
Nine pro-independence leaders to face trial ask for "calm and determination"
Pro-independence leader opens door to "unilateral way" and warns Pedro Sánchez's time is ending
Document backed by MPs and former MPs from all over the world read out at event to demand "immediate release" of Carme Forcadell
Territory minister warns that not raising ticket prices means government will have €25m less for improvements
Shops owners concerned about Christmas sales potentially being affected
Josep Andreu is the first non-imprisoned official to take part in the protest started by four officials behind bars in early December
As a result of the measure that was first decided in July, pro-independence parties 'de facto' lost their majority in Parliament