Puigdemont takes parliament bureau to court
Former president challenges resolution withdrawing his voting rights as MP
Former president challenges resolution withdrawing his voting rights as MP
Catalan parties call court's action a "delaying strategy" to stop former ministers giving evidence to Investigation commission
Some 200 events by 260 artists expected over next 12 months
The two pro-independence leaders were incarcerated for “having peacefully expressed their political views,” writes Catalan charter of the PEN group
Referendum only accepted by Catalunya en Comú if it is result of bilateral agreement between Madrid and Barcelona
International Trial Watch – Catalan referendum case organization says people from outside Spain intend to join mission
Judges uphold prosecutor's appeal to investigate four men for who were with former president when he was detained in Germany
Alfred Bosch calls on opposition to support budget to boost amount for international cooperation
Meeting between Socialists and pro-independence parties under consideration
Human Rights Watch denounces no police officer sentenced for excessive use of force during referendum
Two mayors, a photojournalist and president's nephew among those temporarily detained over 'public disorder' offenses
No public money used to fund referendum, says ex-minister
Scopely and Monolithic Power Systems say they plan staff increases in Catalonia, after meeting with president on official US trip
MEPs protest by showing banners with faces of jailed and exiled leaders
Concert in Barcelona's Auditori venue pays tribute to bolero singer Moncho, who died unexpectedly in December