Ancient murals now open to public
The Gothic artwork in Barcelona monastery is “crucial” for transition into Renaissance and display rare blue hues
The Gothic artwork in Barcelona monastery is “crucial” for transition into Renaissance and display rare blue hues
From north to south and from east to west, visitor numbers are expected to match last year's record figures
Catalan interior department to deploy 3,197 officers and 172 extra firefighters for annual midsummer celebration
Those under 16 most affected population, according to the Catalan Statistics Institute (Idescat)
Business minister says this year’s 62% fall in funds from abroad will be offset over next six months
The first two trams are expected to start running in 2020 and will operate on the current network of the German city
Pedro Sánchez expects to meet Catalan president Quim Torra at beginning of July
The leader of the Catalan branch of the People's Party criticizes attempts from Pedro Sánchez to "be liked by pro-independence politicians"
Housing, the refugee crisis and the effects of Article 155, amongst topics discussed in first meeting between Quim Torra and Ada Colau
Inés Arrimadas argues that "those responsible for a coup d'état" cannot be allowed to get payments from parliament
Business groups meet Catalan president on the same day as union leaders
Elsa Artadi insists current political situation should be addressed in upcoming meeting between Catalan and Spanish presidents
175 million euros have already been acquired by the Catalan government investment office for the period until June 15
The first commission proposed by a head of Catalan chamber would tackle Spain’s “authoritarian” response to independence referendum
The local council shows its commitment to the biggest fair in the city with a grant of 5 million a year until 2022