
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

Catalan President “welcomes” Rajoy’s threats as they “admit” Catalonia can be independent


The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, also replied to the message sent on Wednesday by the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, against an EU membership for Scotland and Catalonia if they were to become independent states. Mas “welcomed” Rajoy’s statements, as the Spanish PM indirectly “admits that Catalonia can become an [independent] state”. In addition, Mas stated that Catalans are becoming “less sensitive” to “the threats” of the Spanish Government. Furthermore, Alex Salmond, First Minister of the Scottish Executive, highlighted that Scotland “is a European nation”, which “will be welcomed” within the EU if it becomes an independent state. In addition, Salmond urged the British Government to formally ask the European Commission to start a legal analysis on Scotland’s EU membership. However, despite the road map towards independence has already been clarified, Londond rejects asking Brussels about it.

November 29, 2013 12:43 AM

Rajoy threatens Scotland with exclusion from the EU and irritates Edinburgh


The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy sent a message to Scotland and Catalonia, stating that if they were to become independent they would be excluded from the European Union and would have to re-apply for membership. The statement sounded like a threat, particularly when he added that “this is not simple”, since “it requires becoming an [independent] state, re-applying for membership and unanimity” from the 28 current Member States, suggesting a possible veto from Madrid. Rajoy made this statement next to the French President François Hollande, who was on a state visit to Spain. However, Hollande did not explicitly support Rajoy: he said that this was an “internal matter” for Spain and refused to make further comments. The Scottish Government replied that Rajoy “has not read” its White Paper on Scotland’s independence, which totally rejects being kicked out of the EU.

November 28, 2013 10:52 AM

Rajoy to partially compensate Catalonia for the tax on bank deposits


The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has confirmed that “in theory” the Spanish Government will implement a tax on bank deposits in 2014 – taxing the global amount of deposits and not individual ones. The revenue from this tax will be transferred to the Autonomous Communities. Furthermore, Rajoy stated that he “is studying” the question of compensating the Catalan Government financially for not having allowed them to implement such a tax in 2013. Catalonia approved a tax on bank deposits for 2013 in December 2012, aiming to collect €500 million per year. However the Spanish Executive approved its own tax a few days later, but at a 0% rate, de facto cancelling Catalonia’s. Despite the fact that Madrid has been compensating Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canaries for the same tax, it refused to compensate the Catalan Government.

November 27, 2013 03:33 PM

Bank of Spain Governor: Catalonia’s independence would bring “bankruptcy”


The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, replied that “nobody believes” in the “apocalyptic” message sent by the Governor of the Bank of Spain, who was appointed by the current Spanish Government in 2012. Mas asked Luís María Linde for “caution” and “to serve the whole of Spain and do not take sides”. Linde stated in Madrid that “independence is unviable”. He argued that the European Central Bank only funds Member States and thus Catalonia would be “obliged to issue its own currency” and have “its own banking supervisor”. On the same day, the Spanish Finance Minister, Cristóbal Montoro, said that if Catalonia were independent it would have “to abandon the Euro” and this could even lead to putting the entire Eurozone at risk. However, in September the European Commission confirmed that an independent Catalonia could continue to use the Euro in different scenarios.

November 26, 2013 02:52 PM

Demonstration in Barcelona against austerity and “antisocial” policies


Thousands of people – 12,000 according to Barcelona’s local police and 200,000 according to the organisers – demonstrated on Sunday in the streets of Barcelona to protest against the Spanish and Catalan Governments’ austerity measures and “antisocial” budgets. Led by the platform ‘Prou Retallades’ (“Stop Budget Cuts”) , the UGT and CCOO trade-unions, as well as political parties and associations, citizens voiced their disapproval of the new pension reform, working fragility and the latest austerity measures. They also specifically protested against the Catalan and Spanish Governments’ budgets for 2014, which they consider “antisocial”. The demonstration organisers criticised the “blind obedience” of the Catalan and Spanish Executives to the European Commission and the Troika.

November 25, 2013 05:37 PM

54.7% of Catalans would vote for independence in a referendum


According to a poll from the Catalan Centre for Polling (CEO), 54.7% of Catalans would vote “yes” to independence while 22.1% would vote “no” and 15.7% are undecided. The poll shows similar percentages than the other polls issued in the last few months from several different institutions and companies. However, the poll indicates that for the first time, independence is the clear preferred alternative among possible formulas for the relationship between Catalonia and Spain. Independence would be the preferred scenario for 48.5% of Catalans, while those in favour of a federal Spain with Catalonia having greater powers represent 21.3% of the interviewees. Finally, the Catalans that prefer maintaining the current status quo amount to 18.6%.

November 22, 2013 09:35 PM

Self-determination debate in Seville’s University among experts


Experts from academia and Catalan and Andalusian civil society held a debate on the right to self-determination in the University of Seville. This Friday, the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (Diplocat), in cooperation with Seville’s Law Faculty, organised two round tables on the democratic and legal implications of a self-determination vote in Catalonia and the role played by civil society. Diplocat is the Catalan soft diplomacy network supported by the main public institutions, business associations and chambers of commerce. Diplocat’s Secretary General, Albert Royo, pointed out that 80% of Catalans would like to hold a self-determination vote and for this reason the soft diplomacy network organises events such as the one in Seville, in order to involve the Spanish society in the debate. Antonio Merchán, Dean of the Law Faculty, highlighted the importance “to talk” about it.

November 22, 2013 09:32 PM

Catalan President tells Rajoy that “moderation” is reaching agreements


The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said on Thursday that he was hoping that “moderation” and “common sense” will finally “prevail in Catalonia”. In the evening, the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, replied that Rajoy’s statement is “comical and audacious”, because Catalonia has a long tradition of moderation and tolerance. “The first way of being tolerant is making a step towards the other and, historically, Catalonia has always made this step”, Mas stated. However, now Catalan citizens want to decide on their possible independence from Spain and the “moderate” attitude is to talk about how to allow them to democratically vote on the issue, he pointed out. “Moderation cannot be confused with giving up” on a claim shared by a majority of Catalans, added Mas.

November 22, 2013 11:45 AM

Scottish Labour MPs: a referendum could have been organised without London’s approval


The Catalan Parliament’s Committee on self determination welcomed two Scottish MPs, Stewart Maxwell (SNP) and Patricia Ferguson (Labour Party) to learn from their experience on the political processes that led to the 2014 Scottish referendum. The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) is currently divided on the issue of holding a self-determination referendum without Madrid’s previous agreement. The PSC leadership is convinced that any self-determination initiative has to be agreed in advance with the Spanish Government. However, some PSC MPs believe that since Madrid is currently refusing to negotiate, the Catalan people is entitled to put their own legal proposals on the table and ultimately organise the referendum on their own. The PSC asked if a referendum was possible without a political agreement between governments. Ferguson answered she believed Scotland would have gone trough with the referendum, even without a Westminster approval.

November 20, 2013 09:26 PM

Spanish Government “regrets” the “confusion” about cancelling the €1.76 billion transfer


The Spanish Finance Minister, Cristóbal Montoro, “regretted” on Tuesday evening the “confusion” about having announced in October he was cancelling a €1.76 billion transfer to the Catalan Government. Without this scheduled payment, the Catalan Executive is having serious problems to fund the 1.58% deficit approved for 2013. “These things can happen” said Montoro. In late October – 10 weeks before the end of the year – the Spanish Minister announced that the Catalan Government would not receive the €1.76 billion requested from the Liquidity Fund for the Autonomous Communities (FLA) since this money would be used by the Service Provider Fund to pay for arrear invoices. A week ago, the Catalan Government confirmed Montoro would transfer the €1.76 billion.

November 20, 2013 09:19 PM

Aznar demands jail-time for anyone organising an illegal self-determination vote


In a clear reference to the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, the former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar – who chairs the governing People’s Party (PP) think tank – asked for the approval of a former law sentencing any public figure organising a referendum that has previously been declared illegal to a 5-year incarceration. Aznar, who led the Spanish Government between 1996 and 2004, is a strong supporter of Spanish nationalist stances and has requested PM Mariano Rajoy to take a harder approach regarding Catalonia’s self-determination claims. The PP replied Aznar that currently there are “enough mechanisms” “guaranteeing” that an illegal vote will not take place. The Catalan President criticised Aznar’s “old-fashioned language”.

November 20, 2013 08:50 PM

European Parliament’s final approval of the Mediterranean Railway Corridor


After years of debate, the new European Union’s Transport Priorities have finally been approved. The European Parliament has approved the Commission’s plan to build 9 major transport corridors connecting the continent from West to East, North to South and in diagonal. The Mediterranean Corridor for freight and passengers is one of these 9 priorities and will link Barcelona and Tarragona to the Gibraltar Straight and Central Europe, connecting major production centres, import/export infrastructures and tourist destinations. The final plan ignores the Spanish Government’s request to include the Centre Pyrenees Corridor as well, a project that was bypassing Catalonia and therefore Barcelona, despite being Spain’s main industrial, export and tourist centre and being geographically attached to France.

November 19, 2013 07:17 PM

Catalan President asks the Socialists not to run away from self-determination


The parties supporting Catalonia’s right to self-determination regret the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC)’s decision to step down from giving active support to this political process. Last week the PSC’s leadership decided not to back any initiative in favour of a self-determination vote that has not been agreed in advance with the Spanish Government, which totally rejects the idea and even refuses to talk about it. The President of the Catalan Government and leader of the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU), Artur Mas, asked the PSC “not to get off the train”, stressing the party’s tradition of defending Catalan language, culture, identity and self-government. The Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC) and the Catalan Green Socialist and Communist Coalition (ICV-EUiA) consider the PSC is now against a self-determination vote.

November 19, 2013 04:46 PM

Catalan Socialists’ leadership runs away from self-determination


The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) held this weekend an extraordinary meeting and approved the leadership’s proposal to oppose any initiative backing Catalonia’s self-determination that has not been agreed in advance with the Spanish Government. The PSC leadership wanted to lay the critics to rest but the crisis is far from being resolved. Critical PSC MPs do not rule out supporting a Catalan Parliament’s motion backing self-determination despite the leadership’s stance. The PSC is facing important internal tensions due to Catalonia’s self-determination issue, including tensions with the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) – to which they are federated. After several months of doubts, the PSC leadership decided to prioritise its relationship with the PSOE and distance itself from Catalonia’s right to self-determination, despite its electoral promises.

November 18, 2013 10:20 PM

Catalan Socialists might break up for the self-determination debate


On Thursday the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) – which is federated to the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) –announced an extraordinary council for next Sunday to discuss Catalonia’s self-determination. Several MPs have protested against the party leadership’s decision not to support a Catalan Parliament petition to organise a legal self-determination vote. They have threatened to break ranks and vote for the petition, as the PSC backed the right to self-determination in last year’s elections. The PSC’s leadership and the PSOE agreed to focus on opposing any initiative in favour of Catalonia’s self-determination that has not been agreed in advance with Madrid. In line with this, the PSC leadership announced that it would oppose the petition asking the Spanish authorities to transfer to Catalonia the powers to call a referendum, following Article 150.2 of the Constitution.

November 14, 2013 11:06 PM

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