New documentary to explore the Catalan rumba through the life of influential artist Peret
During the 1960s a form of music emerged in the Raval district of Barcelona that combined the passion of the flamenco rumba with the speed and rhythm of the mambo and of rock. It became known as the Catalan rumba and was created by Peret and his peers. The documentary is called ‘Cuchibiri cuchibiri’ and will be directed by filmmaker Carles Prats. It will reveal the origins and evolution of the Catalan rumba through the life of Peret who is considered a founder of the genre and a key figure within the gypsy community of Catalonia. Prats noted how Peret is an “important figure” and is the Catalan rumba’s equivalent of “Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley”.
August 26, 2013 10:10 PM