
|   Business & economic news from Barcelona and Catalonia  

Two Catalan banks fail the stress tests in worst case scenarios but would be approved if all provisions would have been taken into account


Unnim and CatalunyaCaixa would have 4.5% and 4.8% of core capital respectively. However, the provisions that all Spanish banks must have to face difficult times have not been taken into account as they did not exist in other European banking systems. With these funds taken into account, Unnim and CatalunyaCaixa would have approved the tests with 6.2% and 6.3% respectively. CaixaBank, the most important Catalan bank passes the test with 6.4%.

July 15, 2011 11:44 PM

Catalan company ‘Ciments Molins’ to invest 191 million euros this year in foreign plants for the first time

CNA / Maite Cirera

Tunisia will benefit from the greatest investment with 73 million euros for the Kairouan factory. Besides, Ciments Molins is aiming to penetrate into the Chinese market with “a small two million euro investment” in prefabricated products, as a start. 87% of the investments will be channeled abroad, specifically in Tunisia, México, Argentina, Uruguay, Bangladesh, and China.

July 7, 2011 12:09 AM

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