
|   Business & economic news from Barcelona and Catalonia  

CatalunyaCaixa to be put up for auction after Easter, announces the Spanish Economy Minister


The Spanish Minister for the Economy, Luís de Guindos, wants to speed up the process and have the entire Spanish banking system restructured before the summer. The Spanish Minister also said that he is expecting further concentration processes of other financial entities to be announced in the coming weeks. CatalunyaCaixa’s banking business had a profit of €304 million, although the €1.5 billion provisions for the real estate business caused a €1.34 billion loss in 2011.

April 5, 2012 07:52 PM

Áreas consolidates its international business by managing USA’s largest highway rest stop

CNA / Laura Quintana

The Catalan company Áreas will manage two service areas in the United States until 2047, including the largest in the entire country, located on the I-95 in Maryland, the busiest motorway in the US. The Catalan company will invest $56 million in their renovation, which will produce a turnover of about $1.8 billion in 35 years. With this operation, Áreas becomes the second largest operator in the US. The Catalan multinational ended the 2011 financial year with a turnover of €649 million, which represents 4% more than in 2010. This growth has been possible due to the company’s expansion in international markets.

March 28, 2012 10:25 PM

Barcelona-based CaixaBank buys Banca Cívica for €1 billion and becomes Spain’s largest bank


Banca Cívica has accepted the offer from the Catalan bank to pay €1.97 per share. With this operation, CaixaBank, the private bank created last year by the Catalan savings bank ‘La Caixa’, becomes Spain’s largest financial entity, ahead of BBVA and Banco Santander. After buying Banca Cívica, CaixaBank will have more than €342.6 billion in assets in the Spanish market. Banca Cívica was the merger of four savings banks: Caja Navarra, Caja Canarias, Caja de Burgos and Cajasol.

March 27, 2012 03:28 PM

Catalan company TEAM builds passenger boarding bridges for the world’s most important ports


TEAM Ports&Maritime will build the five passenger boarding bridges for Hong Kong’s new cruise ship terminal, designed by Norman Foster. According to the company, it is the largest contract ever made in the sector. Furthermore, the Catalan company, which is part of the Adelte Group, will supply two more bridges for Sydney’s new White Bay terminal and two more for Cape Canaveral’s new terminal. The company has also just installed three passenger boarding bridges at Singapore’s International Cruise Terminal.

March 23, 2012 09:09 PM

Quebec finds qualified workers in Catalonia

CNA / Victor Paradis / Esther Romagosa

Representatives from the Quebec Government have organised sessions to advertise job possibilities in their region. They are mainly looking for workers with technical skills, mainly in the sector of civil engineering, healthcare, and IT. The Catalan Government reached an agreement with Quebec to strengthen the professional mobility of Catalan workers. The participation of Catalan companies in the plans for economic development of the Quebecois Government is also promoted.

March 20, 2012 11:12 PM

Fujitsu invests €12 million in its European sales centre, based in Barcelona


The Japanese multinational company has chosen Catalonia’s capital for a new international sales centre serving the entire European Union. The centre will create 300 high-qualified jobs by 2013, when it will be fully operational. The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, unveiled the new centre, while he pointed out the strong business relationship between Japan and Catalonia. He also emphasised the “business friendly policy” of the Catalan Government.

March 19, 2012 10:42 PM

Nottingham tram to be built in Catalonia

CNA / Lluís Vilaró

The Alstom factory in Barcelona will build the 22 new tram cars that will serve the English city of Nottingham. This order completely guarantees the viability plan for 2012 and 2013, as the factory will be working at full capacity for the next 2 years. However, the French multinational has warned about the fact that no new orders have been placed in Spain since 2009. This has forced Alstom’s factory to focus on exports and has been building underground trains for Santo Domingo, Lima, Panama, London, Washington and Rabat.

March 14, 2012 08:33 PM

The foundation to turn Barcelona into a world ‘hub’ of new technologies is born


Barcelona was declared the Mobile World Capital last summer, and the organising city of the Mobile World Congress until at least 2018. Being the Mobile World Capital means that Barcelona aims to become one of the main world centres for the mobile industry. Furthermore, several projects will be based in the Catalan capital, such as a Mobile World Hub. A foundation has been created to promote these projects and attract investments. It is funded with € 30 million each from Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Government and the Spanish Government, and it is open to the private sector.

March 13, 2012 11:48 PM

The stock of unsold new houses remains at 107,000 in Catalonia and 818,000 in the whole of Spain

CNA / Julia Reinecke

A study by a Catalan savings bank CatalunyaCaixa recommends helping young people to rent empty apartments in order to reduce the stock. The stock is expected to rise to 131,100 houses in Catalonia, while in the whole Spain the figures will reduce to 693,000 by 2015. However the situation is not the same throughout Catalonia, and some places such as Barcelona have a smaller stock in relation.

March 10, 2012 12:09 AM

The BBVA buys Unnim Banc and becomes Spain’s largest bank

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Bank of Spain has decided to allocate the Catalan Unnim Banc to the BBVA. With the operation, the BBVA will become Spain’s largest bank, ahead of Banco Santander when considering asset volume. The BBVA will pay €1 for Unnim and €300 million for 20% of the expected real estate losses. The remaining 80% and the public funds already allocated, which correspond to almost €2 billion, will be assumed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund, paid by all the banking sector combined with public funds. Unnim was intervened by the Bank of Spain in September, since it could not reach the required core capital and was too exposed to toxic assets. Unnim was the result of the merger of 3 Catalan savings banks from the 19th century: Caixa Sabadell, Caixa Terrassa, and Caixa Manlleu.

March 7, 2012 11:21 PM

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