87-year-old woman is first coronavirus fatality in Catalonia
There are now a total of 46 cases, 2 in a serious condition
There are now a total of 46 cases, 2 in a serious condition
The city’s second largest trade show after MWC was due to take place in April
Three other new cases have mild symptoms, with a 29-year-old woman also suspected to have Covid-19
Pilgrims also urged to use common sense over kissing of religious icons the Black Madonna and Virgin of Núria
31-year-old woman living in Viladecans south of Barcelona infected through contact with previously confirmed case
'Catalonia Industry Suppliers' is a government initiative to help exporting companies find international business opportunities
Barcelona City Council also supports 'efficient' rail connection between El Prat airport and those in Girona and Reus
Former president Puigdemont attends rally: 'I set foot in Catalonia after two years in exile'
"The two Catalonias have reencountered," says current head of government in French Catalonia
5,000 to attend 'Tech Spirit Barcelona' this week, which grew spontaneously after coronavirus concerns hit original Mobile event
Catalan government laments absence of Puigdemont, Junqueras and others due to 'prison and exile'
Spanish government says talks will start next week, while EU parliament president welcomes Catalan-Spanish dialogue
Urban Agenda announced for 2021, while green groups call Barcelona council's response to climate emergency "insufficient"
Government report shows that while wage difference fell for third year in a row, women still earn 23% less than men
No public health concern, but still noticeable economic and social repercussions