Will Barcelona return to pre-Covid pollution levels?
Environmentalists want cars kept off streets but automotive industry stresses alternative solutions
Environmentalists want cars kept off streets but automotive industry stresses alternative solutions
Spain denies need for intermediary figure saying "all citizens" would be witnesses to negotiations
Relatively little street activity as terraces return in Barcelona and exercise time slots removed in Tarragona
Catalan health authorities say Tarragona, Ebre and western Pyrenees regions ready for Phase 2
Y-block building murals are precursor to iconic facade of College of Architects of Catalonia headquarters
Public transport commuters grow in capital, some small shops and places of worship open but libraries and museums remain closed
Rules vary regarding bar and restaurant terraces, hotels, and socialising in small groups
Rules vary regarding bar and restaurant terraces, hotels, and socialising in small groups
Girona, Lleida, and Central Catalonia to pass to Phase 1 of de-escalation plan
Japanese media say factory will close with decision expected May 28
Barcelona port and airport only permitted entry points in Catalonia when arriving in country by plane or ferry
15 people declared dead in hospitals in last 24 hours with coronavirus, the lowest figure since beginning of lockdown
Age, population density, health care, or preparedness hold the key to understanding what went wrong
Only 11% of population move to next stage; terraces, hotels and gatherings of up to 10 people will be permitted
Catalan officials argue it makes little sense to divide de-escalation process in provinces, and push for health regions alternative