Pro-independence parties lose majority in Parliament
Ruling alliance broken in the Bureau after ERC votes alongside Socialists to reject delegation of votes by Puigdemont and other suspended JxCat MPs
Ruling alliance broken in the Bureau after ERC votes alongside Socialists to reject delegation of votes by Puigdemont and other suspended JxCat MPs
Ara newspaper says state authorities and crown put orchestrated pressure on firms to flee the country immediately after October referendum
Ara newspaper says state authorities and crown put orchestrated pressure on firms to flee the country immediately after October referendum
Former minister Jordi Turull appears in court accused of transferring assets to wife
Lack of united strategy in pro-independence bloc, figure of Puigdemont, and threat of more politicians going to jail among main points
Officials from both the Catalan and Spanish government mourn the death of soprano Montserrat Caballé
Madrid warns against parliament decisions violating constitution
Parliament plenary session to resume this evening after quarrel between pro-independence parties threatened the government's stability
Albert Rivera backs Pablo Casado’s proposal to ban CUP party
President sends letter to Spanish leader saying Catalans "deserve a brave answer" to the political situation
Judges argue "relatives' suffering" cannot be reason to offer bail, as 11-month mark in prison is reached for some
The spokesperson for Sánchez's executive Isabel Celaá stated as such following a deadline set by Catalan president for independence referendum
"Indepedence movement does not guarantee Sánchez any stability in Congress" if right to self-determination request is ignored, says Catalan head of government
The East Flanders prosecutor has appealed the Belgian court decision to deny Valtònyc's extradition
Police intervene to clear the area in front of the chamber and evict protesters facing Spanish police station