Hundreds rally against Spain's prohibition on refugee rescue boat
Open Arms head blames Madrid of 117 deaths of stranded migrants in Mediterranean on Friday
Open Arms head blames Madrid of 117 deaths of stranded migrants in Mediterranean on Friday
Referendum only accepted by Catalunya en Comú if it is result of bilateral agreement between Madrid and Barcelona
Two mayors, a photojournalist and president's nephew among those temporarily detained over 'public disorder' offenses
No public money used to fund referendum, says ex-minister
MEPs protest by showing banners with faces of jailed and exiled leaders
Catalan ministers Artadi and Aragonès to meet with Spanish vice president on Thursday
Quim Torra asks for "international mediation that allows Catalans to exercise self-determination"
President Quim Torra meets California State Senator Jerry Hill in the US to discuss "common interests" and opportunities in Silicon Valley
The document released ahead of the jailed leader’s trial also emphasized his backing self-determination
At 18.5%, total is less than 19.2% Catalan contribution to Spain's GDP; spending plan unlikely to succeed in Congress
Pro-independence leaders will face trial for calling a referendum despite Spain’s opposition
Quim Torra takes on Pedro Sánchez: "We haven’t seen him advance even one millimeter"
Pedro Sánchez dismisses opposition claims for a snap election: "Casado and Rivera can sit down and wait"
Madrid says spending plan has "very important" budget allocations while Catalan government asks for a move on self-determination
EU-Catalonia Dialogue Platform calls for meeting with Pedro Sánchez during his upcoming visit to EU Parliament, while European representatives visit jailed leaders