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From riots to a thaw: how Catalonia shaped the past four years in Spanish politics
First coalition cabinet in Spain faced Covid and inflation this term, and held talks on political conflict but without outcome
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First coalition cabinet in Spain faced Covid and inflation this term, and held talks on political conflict but without outcome
16.3% of Catalan population are foreign residents, only 181,581 of these can vote
Country to decide between left-wing or right-wing government on July 23 ballot
Voters determine makeup of 350-member congress that chooses the next prime minister
Agreement to be signed this week before start of electoral campaign
GDP of country surges by 4.2% year-on-year, completing Covid recovery
Several current MPs in Congress run again, including the lower house speaker this term, Meritxell Batet
Socialists won't push for motion of no confidence against Catalan president, while En Comú Podem back Yolanda Díaz's candidacy for July
Pedro Sánchez's Socialists suffered bruising results in local and regional elections across Spain on Sunday
Measure will benefit families with children and less than €37,800 in annual income
PM Pedro Sánchez announced days ago that 50,000 properties seized by banks will be turned into social housing
Spanish PM vows to make housing the 'fifth pillar of the welfare state'
Manel Bachs took refuge in one of Barcelona's 1,322 bomb shelters during Spanish Civil War
Vox MPs voted in favor of their own proposal while PP abstained in bid that Catalan parties said echoed Francoism