Spanish government will pardon jailed independence leaders on Tuesday
President Pedro Sánchez announces measure in Barcelona in order to encourage 'reconciliation' between Catalonia and Spain
President Pedro Sánchez announces measure in Barcelona in order to encourage 'reconciliation' between Catalonia and Spain
Pro-independence groups call demonstrations ahead of Pedro Sánchez’s speech in Barcelona’s Liceu opera house
Measure announced by Spanish president will affect whole of Spain after 13-month obligation
Pere Aragonès and Felipe attend economic forum in Barcelona
Girona court orders 28 officers to be prosecuted for causing "injuries" and "minor injuries"
First €9bn payment due at end of July once plan is approved by EU finance ministers
Catalan and Spanish political figures to speak at Cercle d'Economia with Italian prime minister and South Korean president
Right-wing demonstrators in Madrid numbered half as many as 2019 rally against Catalan-Spanish dialogue
Spanish government may release leaders before summer, as two presidents meet briefly at business event
Madrid rejects paper arguing politicians were not convicted for expressing their ideas
Talks between governments over independence issue could begin before summer
Leaks suggest pro-independence politicians and activists could again be imprisoned if they break the law
Pro-independence parties hint at jailed leaders attending 'negotiating table' alongside government officials
Survey conducted during government deal uncertainty sees far-left outperforming far-right and former largest party Cs disappear
Pedro Sánchez’s government faces growing pressure from opposition over possible release of pro-independence politicians