Spanish court denies Catalan leaders’ release over ‘increased flight risk’
Prisoners to be transferred to Madrid ahead of independence trial
Prisoners to be transferred to Madrid ahead of independence trial
Senior ministers sit down in Barcelona to continue dialogue, with Ciutadans party accusing them of secrecy
Government relaunches committee on UK departure, shut down by Madrid
MidCat pipeline did not respond to "market needs" and was too costly, they say
Taxi Europe Alliance condemns aggression during protests and calls for "serious and solid debate" on new regulation
Meeting between Socialists and pro-independence parties under consideration
Human Rights Watch denounces no police officer sentenced for excessive use of force during referendum
No public money used to fund referendum, says ex-minister
MEPs protest by showing banners with faces of jailed and exiled leaders
Jailed leaders Sànchez, Rull, and Turull request top Catalan and Spanish leaders at time of referendum
Quim Torra asks for "international mediation that allows Catalans to exercise self-determination"
Quim Torra takes on Pedro Sánchez: "We haven’t seen him advance even one millimeter"
Pedro Sánchez dismisses opposition claims for a snap election: "Casado and Rivera can sit down and wait"
Felipe VI warns that Constitution "protects but at the same time limits" political power
Farmhouses, a Times Square-like party, LGBT events… and plans for the morning after