
'Keep Calm and Speak Catalan', a poster of passive resistance

April 26, 2013 07:57 PM | Clara Roig Medina / Laia Ros

The poster ‘Keep Calm and Speak Catalan’ was created by Josep Maria Ganyet, expert in digital communication, in order to protest against the draft law proposed by the Spanish Minister of Education which puts at risk the school model of linguistic immersion in use in Catalonia since the end of Franco’s dictatorship. The poster, in its origin a tweet, came from the fields of social media and reached Congress as a symbol of passive resistance directed at those aiming to alter the Catalan school model. It refers to the historical poster ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’, which also became one of the most wide spread pop icons.

Rajoy's measures against linguistic immersion questioned by Brussels and the Spanish State Council

April 25, 2013 01:56 AM | CNA

The European Commissioner for Education, Culture and Multilingualism, promised Catalan Euro MPs to ask the Spanish Government – chaired by Mariano Rajoy - about the Education Reform it is preparing, which goes against the linguistic immersion model of Catalonia’s school system. According to the Catalan MEPs, Androulla Vassiliou was “a bit perplexed” about the Spanish Government’s initiative and the recent judicial sentences obliging teaching to be in Spanish if a single pupil in the classroom asks for it. Besides, the Spanish State Council – the Spanish Government’s top advisory body – criticised the reform’s measure obliging the Catalan Executive to pay for private schools in Spanish for the pupils who do not want to attend public schools in Catalan. The Catalan Education Minister asked the Spanish Government “to paralyse” the reform.

The Catalan President states in Brussels that the EU views Catalonia's self-determination "with great respect"

April 23, 2013 01:16 AM | CNA

In an official visit to Brussels where the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, met with three Commissioners, he recognised that the European Union institutions view Catalonia’s self-determination “with great respect” but they have “some concerns” about “the potential independence” from Spain. Mas emphasised that Catalonia is too significant and relevant “not to be taken into account”. Therefore, the EU “is interested in providing Catalonia with stability” and to “not turn their backs on the Catalans’ majority public opinion”. Mas celebrated that at an international level “instead of closing the door, they listen to us”, which “is different” to the Spanish Government’s attitude.

Catalan Euro MPs ask European institutions to take up a stance regarding Catalonia's school model

April 12, 2013 12:38 AM | CNA

Four Members of the European Parliament representing three Catalan parties have asked the European Commission and the European Council to declare their position regarding the linguistic immersion model in place in Catalonia’s schools. The four MEPs are reacting to a series of court decisions deriving from Spanish Supreme Court sentences and to Spanish Government initiatives against the current Catalan school model, which has been in place for the last 30 years and guarantees knowledge of both Spanish and Catalan. In fact, this model has already been praised by the European Commission, in 2007. The four MEPs represent the Centre Right Catalan Nationalist Coalition (CiU), the Catalan Green Socialist and Communist Coalition (ICV-EUiA) and the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC).

Catalonia’s Supreme Court asks for Spanish to be made a teaching language in schools if a single pupil requests it

April 11, 2013 12:11 AM | CNA

The Catalan Education Minister will appeal the decision to the Spanish Supreme Court and meanwhile will not follow the petition of the Catalan Supreme Court (TSJC). The Minister stressed that “the classroom language cannot change just because a child asks for it”. She emphasised that only 17 families have asked to have their children schooled in Spanish. These kids received individualised attention in Spanish but the TSJC thought it was not enough. In the last few years, the Catalan school model has been put in the spotlight by Spanish nationalism, despite having been in place for the last 30 years. The model has shown that pupils perfectly command both languages by the end of their studies. It has also been praised by international organisations, as it guarantees equal opportunities and social cohesion.

The Spanish Supreme Court validates the Catalan school model based on the principle of linguistic immersion

February 26, 2013 10:15 PM | CNA

The Spanish Supreme Court has rejected an appeal presented by one family against the Catalan Supreme Court’s decision adopted in March last year that validated the current public school model of linguistic immersion. The Spanish Supreme Court has stated that the Catalan Government does not have to change the entire Catalan school model, which has been in place since the early 1980s. However, it does have to consider individual petitions from families wanting to school their children in Spanish and make Spanish the language of instruction “in the proportion that the Catalan Government considers to be convenient” in “the school and class in which the offspring of the petitioner is being taught”.

Wert does not change his Education Reform proposal and the Catalan Government “totally rejects” it

December 20, 2012 04:01 PM | CNA

The Spanish Education Minister, José Ignacio Wert, refuses to modify his Education Reform that will relegate the Catalan language in schools and re-centralise power. However, “technical improvements” could be included during the parliamentary debate. The Catalan Government “totally rejects” the current proposal as Wert “has not changed a single comma” despite the talks. Wert, famous for stating two months ago that he wanted “to Hispanicise Catalan pupils”, is pushing for a reform that will break Catalonia’s education model, which has been in place for more than 30 years. The Catalan school model guarantees knowledge of both Spanish and Catalan and it has been praised for fostering bilingualism and social cohesion by international organisations. The reform faces strong objections in Catalonia.

Wert does not change his Education Reform proposal and the Catalan Government “totally rejects” it

December 19, 2012 11:21 PM | CNA

The Spanish Education Minister, José Ignacio Wert, refuses to modify his Education Reform that will relegate the Catalan language in schools and re-centralise power. However, “technical improvements” could be included during the parliamentary debate. The Catalan Government “totally rejects” the current proposal as Wert “has not changed a single comma” despite the talks. Wert, famous for stating two months ago that he wanted “to Hispanicise Catalan pupils”, is pushing for a reform that will break Catalonia’s education model, which has been in place for more than 30 years. The Catalan school model guarantees knowledge of both Spanish and Catalan and it has been praised for fostering bilingualism and social cohesion by international organisations. The reform faces strong objections in Catalonia.

Demonstrations throughout Catalonia against the Spanish Government’s Education Reform relegating the Catalan language

December 10, 2012 11:35 PM | CNA

More than 60 demonstrations have taken place to protest against the new law announced by the Spanish Education Minister, José Ignacio Wert. The demonstrators consider it to be “an attack” against the Catalan language, as it would no longer be a ‘core subject’ and pupils could end their schooling period without taking a single Catalan language exam. Furthermore, it would end the current linguistic immersion model, which has been in place for the last 30 years and ensures that all children end their studies knowing both Spanish and Catalan. Almost the entire Catalan political class and civil society is against Wert’s reform, as well as public figures in the rest of Spain, such as the Rector of the Madrid Complutense University. The current model guarantees social cohesion and equal opportunities. It has been praised by international organisations and has been validated twice by the Spanish Constitutional Court.

The Spanish Education Minister: “Our interest is to ‘Spanishise’ Catalan students”

October 11, 2012 12:03 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

José Ignacio Wert, the Education Minister, made this statement at the Spanish Parliament, while defending the recentralisation measures he is trying to implement. Wert’s words have provoked major outrage in Catalonia. The Catalan Government, all the non-Spanish nationalist parties, trade unions and civil society organisations have qualified Wert’s statements as being “totalitarian”, “a barbarity”, and “pre-Constitutional”, reminding them of Franco times. Furthermore, many citizens channelled their outrage for Wert’s words through Twitter, making the related hashtag Spain’s main trending topic. Besides, results show Catalan students have better results in Spanish than Spain’s average.

The Spanish Government proposes funding private schools using Spanish as teaching language in Catalonia

October 4, 2012 12:30 AM | CNA

The Catalan Education Minister reminds her Spanish peer that such measures are not legal and do not correspond to the current legislation. The Spanish Education Minister, José Ignacio Wert, is considering giving public funds to privately-owned schools teaching in Spanish, which would set up a de facto parallel public school system in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. Wert stated earlier this week that he would work to end the current Catalan school model, which is based on the linguistic immersion principle and guarantees the knowledge of both Spanish and Catalan by all pupils, as results show.

The Spanish Government links the support for independence with the Catalan school system

October 3, 2012 12:19 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Spanish Education Minister, José Ignacio Wert, continues to target the Catalan school system. He is trying to pass a recentralising education reform “to eliminate the 17 school systems” in place in each Autonomous Community. In addition, he is “firmly decided” on making Spanish a school teaching language in Catalonia, going against the current legislation and two declarations of the Spanish Constitutional Court. The Catalan Government has reminded people that Catalan students have better results in Spanish language than the average throughout Spain, perfectly guaranteeing the knowledge of both Spanish and Catalan. The civil society organisation defending Catalan language accused Wert of “adding demagogical political tensions”.

The Spanish Government now wants to recentralise the school system

September 22, 2012 01:06 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In the middle of the political storm referring to the relations between Catalonia and Spain, the Spanish Government announced an education reform that recentralises the school curriculum and evaluation system. The Catalan Education Ministry qualified the reform as a “total recentralisation” and a “total attack” against Catalonia’s Statute of Autonomy. In the reform, the Spanish Government would impose 65% of the school curriculum and would run evaluations at the end of school and high school.

The Spanish Government plans to reduce Catalonia’s say in defining school curriculum

September 15, 2012 03:00 PM | CNA

Three days after the 1.5 million strong demonstration for Catalonia’s independence, partially fuelled by the Spanish nationalism’s recentralisation attempts and the lack of respect to Catalonia’s self-government, language and culture, the Spanish Government is about to approve a reduction in Catalonia’s share in the definition of the school curriculum. Furthermore, the Spanish Education Minister wants to establish “homogenous evaluations” throughout Spain, although the Catalan Government exclusively manages such evaluations, as well as the school facilities and staff.

Sitges reconsidering Paul McCartney’s university project for an Institute for Performing Arts

August 24, 2012 11:13 PM | CNA / Javi Polinario / David Tuxworth

The new city government is considering the continuation of a project started by the last Mayor. The venture proposed by the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), the specialist higher education institution co-founded by Paul McCartney, is to open a Barcelona version (BIPA) in the coastal town of Sitges. The previous proposals included a large scale urban development plan, however the new Sitges Town Council would now use existing buildings. A public competition to manage the project could be opened in the upcoming months.