Rosalía’s return to Barcelona with her ‘Motomami’ concert leaves fans breathless
Catalan artist releases new songs during sold-out gig ahead of a second show on Sunday night
Catalan artist releases new songs during sold-out gig ahead of a second show on Sunday night
The distinction recognizes outstanding civic and cultural contributions within Catalonia
Singer to perform in city again during Primavera Sound music festival
A dozen stalls run by publishing houses and bookshops in Barcelona, Sabadell and Badalona most affected
Stores both old and new offer services and atmosphere absent from book purchasing websites
Literary superblock in city center features stands selling books and roses for loved ones to exchange
Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, and Lleida prepare hundreds of cultural activities
Seven countries from Europe and Africa were represented at event on Friday
Flowers brought from South America are 50% more expensive, but shops will assume the extra amount
Catalan singer will also visit the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, and France to present her latest album
Festival of books and roses falls on a Saturday, adding to high expectations after two years of pandemic
Former TV3 director, Mort & Phil creator and pop rock band Els Pets also recognized for outstanding civic and cultural contribution to Catalonia
Book and rose vendors pleased with sales as good weather brings people out to celebrate
Festival of books and roses, held amid Covid safety measures, offers glimpse of pre-pandemic joy
Javier Cercas, Irene Solà, Jaume Cabré, and Yuval Noah Harari top the list of most popular authors