Spanish president issues warning over coronavirus lockdown exit
"The virus can come back and impact us in a second wave," says Pedro Sánchez
"The virus can come back and impact us in a second wave," says Pedro Sánchez
Current ANC president gets 85% of the votes in a sweeping victory
Madrid defends "unprecedented" €16bn transfer plan to Spanish regions
Congress greenlights plan by president Pedro Sánchez to prolong emergency lockdown measures
Global network says Spain should "review the definition of the crime of sedition"
Emergency measures to last until June 21 after separate deals with unionist Cs, Basque nationalists, and pro-independence ERC
Catalan president wants powers over key services such as healthcare to be returned to regional governments
Spanish government’s new measure aimed at fighting poverty is expected to be approved next week
Prolongation passes after initial uncertainty when pro-independence parties said they would vote No
Macron believes measure is not “the most effective or realistic,” while French Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona “flatly” rejects it
Pro-independence JxCat would abstain in upcoming vote on extension in exchange for more powers for Quim Torra
Pedro Sánchez says regional governments will "regain their full decision-making capacity"
NGO believes Supreme Court ignored international human rights law by sentencing Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart to 9 years in jail
Pedro Sánchez looking for support after only managing to pass latest prolongation at the eleventh hour
Fourth extension of emergency measures passed after deal struck with Ciudadanos and Basque National Party