Referendum voters ‘had a violent attitude,’ testify Spanish police officers
Day 27 of the Catalan trial sees more Spanish Guardia Civil officers giving their accounts of the day of the vote
Day 27 of the Catalan trial sees more Spanish Guardia Civil officers giving their accounts of the day of the vote
Day 27 of the Catalan trial sees more Spanish Guardia Civil officers giving their accounts of the day of the vote
Day 27 of the Catalan trial sees more Spanish Guardia Civil officers giving their accounts of the day of the vote
Juan Carlos Molinero tells Supreme Court that Spanish police head "never objected" to Mossos d'Esquadra plans for October 1 referendum
Agents recall as witnesses their experience during the October 1 referendum
Follow live the testimony of Juan Carlos Molinero in Spain’s Supreme Court
One agent claims one individual attempted to steal his gun
Some of the 19 municipalities involved consider filing suits for perjury in response to “made up” testimonies
Ferran López, the Catalan police second-in-command during the 2017 vote, speaks as a witness in the independence trial
Badalona police officer tells Supreme Court that Òmnium head helped prevent confiscation of pro-independence posters
Activist says officer offered him monthly €700 to be mole in leadership
Information unit head in 2017 describes police conduct on instructions of public prosecutor as “meticulously measured"
Government of Catalonia to oppose the lawsuit presented by police union against 36 voters
Ferran López due to testify on Wednesday as more officers will continue to take to the stand in the Supreme Court
Session will revolve around protests during the peak of independence bid and around 15 agents are expected to give testimony