Jailed leaders urge Puigdemont’s party to help Sánchez retain Spain’s government
Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Turull, and Josep Rull urge JxCat leadership to abstain in Socialist leader’s bid for reelection
Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Turull, and Josep Rull urge JxCat leadership to abstain in Socialist leader’s bid for reelection
Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Turull, and Josep Rull urge JxCat leadership to abstain in Socialist leader’s bid for reelection
PSOE puts pressure on conservatives to abstain and help make Pedro Sánchez president
"It is inconceivable for us to talk about judges' verdicts," says Pedro Sánchez's second-in-command
Catalan leader expected to raise concerns over rights of jailed colleagues
One year after taking office, Catalan president takes credit for putting administration back on track after self-rule suspension from Madrid
Detained rebellion suspect tells head of Spain's government 'we need to talk'
The first session of the new Spanish parliament to take place in a unique climate
Spanish president responds to pro-independence veto on Socialist choice to lead upper chamber
Acting Spanish president meets Cs party head as government expresses "concern" over deal against Catalan interests
Without enough seats for a majority, Pedro Sánchez could turn to left-wing multiparty alliance or unionist Cs party
PP head Pablo Casado embraces potential deal with Vox as president Pedro Sánchez hints at left-wing pact post-Sunday election
Ciutadans and People's Party candidates take on Socialist head for "reaching agreements" with Catalan government, with Podemos' leader urging "dialogue and empathy"
The Socialist leader will now attend televised electoral debates, and reminds opposition that insults are not debates
The Socialist party runs on a platform of environmentalism, feminism, and unionist: ‘no means no' to a referendum