Colau wants to create 50 new hectares of green space, warns “the right will not face the lobbies” to fight pollution
The BComú candidate warns the Socialists that with Valls as mayor, they will not be able to make the changes the city needs
The BComú candidate warns the Socialists that with Valls as mayor, they will not be able to make the changes the city needs
Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias hails Ada Colau’s Barcelona as the example for “when we govern”
Barcelona mayor calls former French prime minister’s attitude "histrionic and out of place"
Local election heats up as philosopher and political commentator confirmed as new candidate
ERC’s likely candidate opens the door to others joining his ticket
Mayor of Barcelona apologizes to university after suggesting she was offered to finish her degree "the easy way"
Montse Venturós was requested twice to remove flag from Berga city council
Activist is to appear in court on Thursday to answer terror and rebellion charges
The Catalan parliament speaker will not be present at the event either, arguing that the king has not “addresed a single word” to victims of police violence on October 1
Catalan capital is among the top 10 cities with the most foreign investment projects in the past four years
Puigdemont will make a statement in Parliament to implement the results of the referendum
Ada Colau will ask the Commission to open mediation between Spain and Catalonia
The case against Montse Venturòs, the Mayor of Berga, for not taking down the Catalan pro-independence flag from the City Hall building during elections has been reopened. Although Berga’s trial court decided not to pursue the case last March after considering that exhibiting the Catalan pro-independence flag was not “an act of propaganda” nor disobedience, the court has now accepted the appeal presented by the Public Prosecutor asking for the case to be reopened. Venturós lawyer and party colleague Benet Salellas from pro-independence CUP said that reopening the case proved “how deeply politicized the Spanish justice is and how legal procedures are the main battering ram against the pro-independence movement and the democratic demands of Catalan citizens”.
Barcelona is one of the cities which has presented a proposal to host the European Medicines Agency, which will have to relocate from London due to Brexit. Moreover, it is the preferred option of its nearly 900 employees, who say they will be happy to relocate here. “This makes our candidature the only one which could guarantee that the essence of the EMA will remain the same, since its employees and therefore the talent will maintain,” explained Catalan Minister for Health, Toni Comín. He was one of the main speakers this Tuesday in London at the presentation of Barcelona’s candidacy to host the EMA. He was accompanied by Spanish Minister for Health, Dolors Montserrat and Barcelona’s deputy mayor, Jaume Collboni, who emphasized that the three levels of administration are “working together” to bring the EMA to the Catalan capital.
The Mayor of the Catalan capital, Ada Colau, is the fifth-most influential person in Europe for 2017, according to ‘Politico’. “The future of Spain could well rest on [Colau’s] shoulders”, foresees this renowned publication and notes that “with a referendum on Catalonia’s independence on the cards for next year”, Colau’s condition as a “popular, outspoken and independent leader gives her a powerful voice”. However, ‘Politico’ emphasises that Colau’s “vague” position regarding Catalonia’s independence, which according to the publication is “the hottest issue in the region”, “may be hard to maintain” and predicts that “she will not be able to avoid choosing sides as the debate heats up”. The ranking of the 28 most influential people for 2017 also include London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, who tops the ranking, and other personalities such as Turkey’s President, Recept Tayyip Erdogan and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.