A relationship forged in ink that shaped Catalan literature
Renowned writers Joan Sales and Mercè Rodoreda enjoyed a strong link through their letters now in possession of the Rodoreda foundation
Renowned writers Joan Sales and Mercè Rodoreda enjoyed a strong link through their letters now in possession of the Rodoreda foundation
Catalan author Jaume Cabré’s latest novel 'Jo confesso' has been translated into English and is finally hitting bookstores in the Anglophone world for the first time since its original publication in 2011. It was translated by Mara Faye Letham and published by Arcadia books. The novel, which this year won the Courrier International Prize for 'Best foreign novel', as well as several Catalan literature awards, has already been translated into Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese, among others. This is another success for Catalan literature, after the publication in English of 'Quadern gris' ('The Grey Notebook') by Josep Pla and the Joan Sales classic 'Incerta Glòria' ('Uncertain Glory'). Catalan literature is blossoming among English readers, thanks to the recent translations of several other classics.