
Juncker warns Catalonia: “One does not become an EU member state by sending a letter”

July 9, 2014 07:48 PM | ACN

The future president of the European Commission said during a meeting with the EFA/Greens Group in the European Parliament that he does not want to interfere in the political process started in Scotland or Catalonia. “I greatly respect democratic expressions in European territories, but I do not have the arrogance nor the wish to try to get involved in a debate that affects the territorial and political organization of member states”, said Juncker. The PPC candidate to the top job of the EU added that the Catalan situation “should be solved in Spain” and not in Brussels.

Antoni Pitxot warns that the Dalí Theatre-Museum cannot be “split” in the event of Catalan independence

July 7, 2014 08:24 PM | ACN

The director of the Dalí Theatre-Museum, Antoni Pitxot, stated on Monday that he does not contemplate changing the functioning of the museum in the event of Catalan independence. "I think there will be no conflict because the museum was created by Dali and an intelligent leader would never put any obstacles to the continuation of his great work" said Pitxot, who was a close friend of the artist until his death in 1989. Pitxot also stressed that the museum and its collection is "not divisible". In his last will, Salvador Dalí named Spain as the universal heir to his property, and the state negotiated with the Catalan government to leave 134 works of art in Figueres and bequeath 56 to Madrid.

Investors are confident Spain and Catalonia will reach “an agreement” to avoid independence, says chairman of Banc Sabadell

July 3, 2014 05:06 PM | ACN

Josep Oliu admitted in an interview that the bank “does not have a plan B” in case of a break-up of Catalonia from Spain. The chairman of the Catalan financial institution admitted that they do not contemplate the independence of Catalonia as a feasible scenario. “Reaching agreements, changing some things, giving in a bit, trying to find a settlement suitable for everyone, that’s what we are all hoping for”, Oliu said. Commenting on the state of the economy, the banker regretted that politicians in government in Spain and Catalonia seem to be “ashamed” of the economic policies that they are introducing, when they should “explain to people that they are reasonable”.

US ambassador to Spain says American companies would “make adjustments” to adapt to an independent Catalonia

July 1, 2014 05:51 PM | ACN

James Costos confirmed that the United States and its enterprises “are watching” the political process in Catalonia and are “of course interested in what the outcome will be”. The representative of the US government in Spain said in Madrid that in the event that “things change,” business needs to be prepared for this. “Business leaders have to look at things that are coming down the pike and take decisions based on that”, he stated.

Cospedal rejects a constitutional reform to solve “territorial problems”

June 30, 2014 10:10 PM | ACN

The Secretary General of the People’s Party, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, said that it is not “in any way” possible to reform the constitution to ease the demands of Catalonia, which is pushing for a referendum on independence from Spain. She also warned that the role of the new king, Felipe VI, is to protect Spanish unity. “The monarch’s mission is to ensure that national sovereignty is respected and to check that the unity of Spain is not put at risk”, she said during an event in Madrid.

Catalan independence movement is “democratic example” unparalleled in Europe, says Mas

June 27, 2014 11:30 PM | ACN

The President of the Catalan Government reiterates his petition to Madrid to change the law in order to accommodate the wish of the Catalan people to vote on their future. Mas compared the political situation in Catalonia to that of a river which is about to overflow its banks. “If the people in charge of expanding the river edge don’t do it, they risk an overflow of water”, he stated. The Catalan President said Catalonia has always respected the law but law needs to adapt to “changing circumstances”.

Independent Catalonia “more vulnerable” to terrorism, says Spanish Home Affairs Minister

June 26, 2014 08:06 PM | ACN

The Spanish Minister of Home Affairs, Jorge Fernández Diaz, on Thursday restated his belief that Catalonia would become more “vulnerable” to terrorist attacks, drug trafficking and organised crime if it were to separate from Spain. He argued that "without the protective umbrella” of Spain’s security forces and collaboration with international intelligence agencies, these threats to Catalan security would increase. "United we are stronger than divided," he reiterated. Some have regarded this warning as over-dramatic, with the Catalan Minister of Home Affairs, Ramon Espadaler, describing it as “apocalyptic.”

Mas says ERC could join the government “in autumn”

June 23, 2014 03:15 PM | ACN

The Catalan President argued in an interview that Catalonia will need to show “strength” in the wake of the referendum, scheduled for the 9th of November. A coalition government with the two main parties in Parliament, the Centre-Right pro-Catalan State (CiU) and the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC), has been on the cards for a long time. The leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, said previously that he is “absolutely ready” to form a coalition to “culminate the process” towards independence but that this would mean having an agreement on “all” issues, including economical ones.

Cold and expectant reactions from Catalonia to the new King's coronation

June 19, 2014 08:11 PM | ACN

Catalan parties welcomed the new King in a cold manner, and some were even directly absent from the coronation and participated instead in events in favour of a republican regime. However, after a few days of uncertainty, the President of the Catalan Government and leader of the Centre-Right pro-Catalan State CiU, Artur Mas, attended the ceremony in Madrid. Despite the fact that CiU did not give its explicit support to the King's succession, the CiU representatives were all present at the ceremony, although without showing enthusiasm. In addition, Mas insisted that he continues with his "wait and see" attitude, as the King's speech "did not offer anything new". Meanwhile, representatives from the Left-Wing Catalan Independence Party (ERC) did not attend the ceremonies, neither did representatives from the Catalan Green Socialist Coalition (ICV-EUiA), who participated in a small pro-republic demonstration in Barcelona at the exact same time the new King was swearing the Constitution.

Felipe VI praises "a united and diverse Spain" in an entirely-Spanish speech referring only to a single nation

June 19, 2014 06:36 PM | ACN

The new King of Spain, Felipe VI, highlighted the unity of the country but also its diversity in his first speech as monarch. In a ceremony before the Spanish Parliament and Senate on Thursday morning, Felipe VI gave a speech portraying the guidelines of his reign, just after swearing loyalty to the Constitution, including the Autonomous Communities, as he stressed. He defined himself as "a Constitutional King", who is "the symbol" of "the unity and permanence of Spain". However, he also highlighted that "unity does not mean uniformity" and he pointed out that the Constitution asks "to respect and protect" the different languages in Spain, which are "a shared heritage" and "bridges for dialogue". Despite praising "diversity", Felipe VI delivered his speech entirely in Spanish, despite a small final greeting in Catalan, Basque and Galician. In addition, he defined Spain as "a great nation" to be "proud of", without mentioning Spain's pluri-national status.

The main candidate to lead the PSOE now says he does not support Catalonia's self-determination

June 18, 2014 03:48 PM | ACN

Eduardo Madina, who is the main candidate to become the new Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), nuanced his previous statement in which he supported a "legal" self-determination vote in Catalonia. Madina stated on Monday he would back a "citizen participation mechanism", "agreed" with the Spanish authorities and within the broader framework of a Constitutional Reform, when he was asked about Catalonia's self-determination referendum. However, after all media interpreted he was backing an agreed self-determination process, to which the PSOE opposes, Madina corrected his words and said they were "a mistake". "In order to avoid misinterpretations: the legal consultation votes that I accept are those foreseen in the Constitution for the entirety of Spain", he added on Tuesday.

European Lib-Dems contradict themselves and accept 2 Spanish parties opposed to Catalan self-determination

June 17, 2014 09:16 PM | ACN

Despite the fact that the International Liberal-Democrats explicitly recognised Catalonia's right to self-determination in their last congress in April, their group within the European Parliament (ALDE) has finally accepted 6 MEPs from the Spanish nationalist and populist parties Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) and Ciutadans (C's), who totally oppose this principle. Desperately looking for seats in order to continue being the 3rd largest political group within the Euro-Chamber, the ALDE leadership proposed to accept the membership request from UPyD and C's, who would bring 4 and 2 MEPs respectively, despite the strong protests from the Catalan Liberal party CDC (which is part of the governing Convergencia i Unió coalition, CiU) and the Basque National Party (PNV). The members of the ALDE finally voted to accept UPyD and C's MEPs, but they also approved the creation of a sub-group defending Catalonia's self-determination.

Catalan pharmaceutical Grífols unveils world´s largest plasma fractionation plant in North Carolina

June 17, 2014 09:03 PM | ACN

A plasma fractionation plant installed in Clayton, North Carolina by the company Grífols was unveiled on Tuesday by the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, along with the President and CEO of the pharmaceutical, Víctor Grífols, and the State Governor, Pat McCrory. The new plant is 14,400 square metres big, will create over 200 jobs and represents an investment of 260 million euros. Expected to be operational by 2015, it will the largest and one of the most advanced plasma fractionation plants in the world. Grífols already has 2,300 employees in the state of North Carolina and it is among the world's top pharmaceuticals within the blood-derivates market. A few weeks ago, Víctor Grífols gave his support to the Catalan President and the self-determination process, which he confirmed on Tuesday.

Brussels main think tank CEPS "postpones" at the last minute a debate on Catalan independence

June 17, 2014 07:32 PM | ACN

The Brussels-based Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) stated it cancelled a debate on the EU Membership of an independent Catalonia because they could not find a speaker arguing that Catalonia would be excluded from the EU. However, the Catalan Government and the Catalan Public Diplomacy Council (Diplocat) suspect the Spanish Government pressured the CEPS to cancel the debate, as it already tried to do with previous events. The Spanish Executive denied the accusations, which are also rejected by the CEPS. The event was organised weeks ago and was supposed to take place on Tuesday at 9.30am at the CEPS facilities, which is the most prestigious think tank in EU Affairs. It was "postponed" on Monday evening, just a few hours before it was due to start. A prestigious Constitutional expert, who advises the Catalan Government, Carles Viver i Pi-Sunyer, was supposed to present a report arguing that Catalonia would remain within the EU.

Main candidate to lead Spanish Socialist Party would accept a "legal" Catalan self-determination vote

June 16, 2014 09:45 PM | ACN

Eduardo Madina, who is probably the person best positioned to become the new Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) in July, stated he "is not scared" of citizen participation if it is "legal", when asked about Catalonia's self-determination vote scheduled on 9 November.  In a radio interview on Monday, Madina emphasised that "if there are possibilities to reach an agreement within the legal framework, the citizen participation mechanisms through legal methods seem alright to me". He added, "If everything is done within the legal framework, I am not scared of citizen participation". He also insisted that the Spanish Constitution can be reformed and that it should be done in order to push for a federal system.