
Only 7.5% of Catalans abroad voted in the 27-S elections

September 30, 2015 09:21 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

196,062 Catalans abroad are registered to vote but only 14,781 could effectively do so in the 27-S Catalan elections. Too many agents involved in a complex and long process deprived them of exercising their democratic right. “The Spanish State can’t ignore such a violation of a basic and fundamental right” stated the Catalan Minister for Public Administration, Meritxell Borràs, who lamented that nearly “7,000 votes that were sent on time couldn’t reach their destination”. On Wednesday the ballots that did arrive in Catalonia on time showed 63% of Catalans living abroad voted in support of independence. Although cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ (‘Together for Yes’) was the most voted, with 7,894 votes, it only maintains its 62 seats in the Catalan Parliament and still requires radical left pro-independence CUP in order to instate Mas as President, which the radical party refuses to do. 


Financial Times advises to “give some ground and negotiate” with Catalonia

September 29, 2015 03:45 PM | ACN / Shobha Prabhu-Naik

Pro-independence parties have “achieved” their goal in “winning 72 of the 135” seats in the Catalan Parliament, stated an editorial in the Financial Times published this Tuesday. The British business daily insisted that once Spain has held national elections at the end of this year, a new government in Madrid needs to enter into talks with President Mas, to “find a third way between independence and the status quo”. However, the editorial is titled “Catalonia needs to step back from the brink”, since it puts forward the idea that Mas has “less legitimacy to implement his plan” considering that the percentage of voters who supported a clear ‘yes’ for independence was less than 50%.

Catalonia’s Supreme Court (TSJC) summons President Mas for 9N symbolic vote on independence

September 29, 2015 11:22 AM | ACN / Sara Prim

Current Catalan President Artur Mas has been called to the court on the 15th of October for authorising and co-organising the 9-N symbolic referendum on independence that took place in 2014. Catalonia’s Supreme Court (TSJC), which pends on Spanish Administration of Justice, also confirmed the prosecution of former Vice-President Joana Ortega and Catalan Minister of Education Irene Rigau for the same charges. The official prosecution of Artur Mas and 2 other members of the Executive arrives two days after the 27-S elections and takes the current political conflict a level higher. The Catalan Government considered the TSJC decision a “democratic anomaly” and described it as a “political judgment”.



27-S electoral campaign: More than just parties involved

September 25, 2015 06:47 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

Not only parties have taken an active role in this intensive electoral campaign: the banking sector, Spanish diplomacy, the European institutions, international leaders, businesspeople associations and even the sports and scientific fields have had their say. Some have softened their warnings, some have signed joint letters, but all of them have reinforced the historic element of the upcoming 27-S elections. Whatever the situation may be, what is certain is that the moment is exceptional and that the elections are being closely watched internationally.

Rajoy fails to defend that Catalans will lose Spanish nationality

September 22, 2015 07:54 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ran out of arguments this Tuesday when he tried to claim that Catalans would lose their Spanish nationality in the event of Catalonia’s independence. In an interview with Spanish radio station Onda Cero, Rajoy failed to answer when the Spanish journalist Carlos Alsina told him that Spanish nationality “can’t be removed” and that even if Catalonia were to become an independent country, Catalan citizens would keep both their Spanish and European nationality. Rajoy concluded by saying that “such a disquisition was a dead-end”. Catalan Government spokeswoman, Neus Munté, stated that Rajoy exposed himself and made clear that “he doesn’t know the Constitution that they mention and exhibit everywhere”.

Swiss MPs ask their government if they can mediate “between Madrid and Barcelona”

September 22, 2015 07:41 PM | ACN

Swiss MPs from five different parties lamented this Tuesday that “Spain’s position seems to be doing the opposite of the international procedures expected from democratic countries” as their “constant vetoes have ended all the legal possibilities for Catalonia”.Swiss representatives from all the parties, except from the RL, which may join the proposal later, have asked their government if they can “mediate between Madrid and Barcelona”. “Considering Switzerland’s neutrality and democratic tradition, would the Federal Council propose our country’s good manners to ensure mediation between Madrid and Barcelona?” MPs asked the Swiss executive. 

Internationally renowned Catalan scientists support pro-independence list ‘Junts Pel Sí’

September 22, 2015 04:55 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

Scientists of international recognition, such as oncologist Joan Massagué and assisted reproduction expert Anna Veiga, have shown their support for pro-independence unitary candidacy “Junts Pel Sí” (‘Together For Yes’). More than 10 professionals have signed a document entitled ‘A good opportunity for our science’ in which they assure that ‘Junts Pel Sí’ “is the best option to maintain the good work and the consensus achieved through many years” and will “increase the resources that science requires and provide the state structures to guarantee the consolidation and growth of the research system”. The text also describes Spain’s way of working in the scientific field as “old-fashioned”.

Spanish banks suggest they might leave Catalonia if it becomes independent

September 18, 2015 07:54 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

The Spanish Bank Association (AEB in Spanish) and the Spanish Confederation of Saving Banks (CECA in Spanish) warned about the “risks” of Catalonia’s independence. In an official announcement made this Friday, both associations assured that all banks with a presence in Catalonia “would face severe problems of judicial insecurity” in the event of a Unilateral Declaration of Independence after the 27-S elections. They outlined that “any political decision which would imply breaking the rules in force” would result in “exclusion from the EU and the Eurozone” for Catalonia. The Catalan Finance Minister, Andreu Mas-Colell, described the Spanish government as “being irresponsible” for pushing the banking sector to be against the independence of Catalonia. He regretted that such “a delicate sector” was used as an “artillery weapon”. 

European Commission doesn’t want “to influence” the Catalan elections as they are “a choice of voters”

September 18, 2015 02:34 PM | ACN

European Commission vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis assured this Friday that Brussels’ intention “is not to influence votes in member states and regions”, referring to the upcoming 27-S Catalan elections, and outlined that they are “a choice of voters”. Dombrovskis comments came after European Commission spokesman Margarities Schinas warned on Thursday that in the event of becoming an independent state, Catalonia “will become a third country and may apply to become a member of the EU”. Dombrovskis, former Prime Minister of Latvia and European Commissioner for the Euro and Social Dialogue recalled that the European Commission “does not normally comment on party politics in member states or their regions”. “We are ready to work with democratically elected or appointed authorities of member states”, he emphasised

Brussels insists that an independent Catalonia would remain outside the EU

September 17, 2015 07:24 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

The European Commission reiterated this Thursday that an independent Catalonia would be kept out of the EU and would need to reapply for admission. “If a part of a Member State ceases to be a part of that state” because it becomes independent, “the treaties will no longer apply to that territory”, stated European Commission spokesman, Margaritis Schinas. The new independent state “will become a third country and may apply to become a member of the EU”, he added. Schinas clarified that this statement was not the result of any official analysis of the consequences of Catalonia’s independence and said that the European Commission would only carry out such a study if Spain or another EU Member State requested it.

Catalonia’s fitting into the EU “should not be used as an argument in this referendum campaign”

September 17, 2015 07:04 PM | ACN

The Swedish Parliament’s Committee of European Affairs’ president, Carl Schlyter, stated that the fitting of an independent Catalonia into the EU “should not be used as an argument” nor “an excuse” in Catalonia’s independence debate. According to Schlyter, “Catalonia will for sure fulfil” all the criteria required to be part of the EU and added that “Spain will see the benefits of having good relationships with Catalonia, whatever Catalonia decides”. “Being angry with your neighbours is the worst strategy”, he emphasised. Schlyter made these statements during an event related to the 27-S elections, organised by the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia Diplocat, at the Swedish Parliament.

Party review: ‘Catalunya Sí que es Pot’ (‘Catalonia Yes we can’), a new alternative left-wing coalition

September 17, 2015 06:35 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

Catalan Green-Socialist party ICV and alternative left-wing Podem (the Catalan branch of the Spanish party Podemos),running under the name 'Catalunya Sí que es Pot' (in English, 'Catalonia yes we can'), is a new party designed to run in the 27-S Catalan elections. Its leader, Lluís Rabell, comes from the social and neighbourhood community scene and claims to be the voice of “the social majority that is being silenced by the independence debate” in Catalonia. Regarding Catalonia’s push for independence, ‘Catalunya Sí que es Pot’ is for “the celebration of an agreed consultation which can be recognised internationally” and, in order to have this, they find it indispensable to “overthrow the Conservative People’s Party (PP) in Spain”.

Obama wants US to maintain relationship with “a strong and unified Spain”

September 16, 2015 07:15 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

The President of the US, Barack Obama, called for a “strong and unified Spain” during a brief meeting held this Tuesday with Spain’s monarch Felipe VI. The Spanish King described Spain as “one of the most ancient nations in Europe” and Obama stated that Spain’s presence is important “not only for Europe but also for the US”. Catalan President Artur Mas declared that he didn’t feel the target of Obama’s statement, as Spain could be unified “with or without Catalonia” and lamented that the Spanish Government discusses Catalonia’s case with everybody “except with the Catalan institutions”.

‘Cercle d’Economia’ call for a “legal and agreed” consultation if pro-independence forces win 27-S elections

September 16, 2015 06:48 PM | ACN / Shobha Prabhu-Naik

The ‘Cercle d'Economia’, a Catalan economic forum open to businesspeople and academics, are in favour of a “legal and agreed” consultation if pro-independence groups have “clear” support in the 27-S elections. The forum, which is against a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (‘DUI’ in Catalan), stated that allowing the consultation is a “democratic principle” inherent in the Spanish Constitution. The Cercle d'Economia presented its views in an opinion piece which had to be redrafted since the first draft presented on Monday by the president of the organisation, Anton Costas, created differences between board members.

Party review: Radical left-wing and pro-independence CUP

September 14, 2015 06:37 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

The CUP was one of the biggest surprises in the 2012 Catalan elections. This radical left-wing and pro-independence candidacy, which comes from the social movements and started its political career on the local level, entered the Catalan Parliament for the first time three years ago and its influence in the Catalan government, as well as its popular support, has hugely increased since then. The CUP’s programme regarding the upcoming 27-S elections is clear: they accept the “plebiscitary” nature of the elections but bid for an independence that goes much further. As is stated by its slogan, the CUP fights for an “independence to change it all”.