28% of businesses in the state register losses in 2009
The number of companies with losses in the Spanish state grew during the second year of the recession, according to the Spanish Business and Treasury Association (Asset).
The number of companies with losses in the Spanish state grew during the second year of the recession, according to the Spanish Business and Treasury Association (Asset).
The Catalan and Quebec Governments are working together on an initiative to create business alliances in order to strengthen economic bonds and gain access to financial credits.
This afternoon the Spanish Parliament will vote on the labour market reform approved by Zapatero?s Government last Wednesday. The reform already entered into force but it can be modified or blocked today by the Parliament. Last Thursday, the President of
The Bank of Spain?s Governor demands that autonomous communities and local administrations cut public expenditure even more. He has added that most of the means announced by these public administrations are too far from the level of reductions the Spanish
High-speed trains, regional trains, subways and buses will combine into the greatest transport hub of Barcelona, La Sagrera. The Catalan President considers this huge project as ?an example of cooperation between the different administrations?.
The largest financial institution in Catalonia and the largest savings bank in Europe, La Caixa, agreed to merge with Caixa Girona. Yesterday evening, La Caixa?s board approved the merger with the medium sized Girona savings bank.
Prime Minister Zapatero needs the votes from other parties to pass his Labour Market reform. Artur Mas, President of the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Party (CiU) has affirmed today that his party will not block the reform in the Spanish Parliament. Ci
The two main trade unions have announced a general strike against the job market reform planned by the Spanish Government. This reform has been discussed among the trade unions, business associations and the Spanish Government for more than 2 years.
DINCAT demands equal rights in a difficult context as special learning centres are hit by job cuts and a reduction in the number of new service centres
The first Catalan private bank is coming to an agreement to merge with Banco Guipuzcoano, from the Basque Country. Banc Sabadell would absorb the Basque bank through an exchange of actions. If the merging comes to an end, it will be the first merging of 2
Catalan savings banks continue to restructure