Puigdemont obtains temporary MEP accreditation
Former president says he is "absolutely" sure he will attend January 13 plenary session after EU court annuls decision preventing him from taking up his seat
Former president says he is "absolutely" sure he will attend January 13 plenary session after EU court annuls decision preventing him from taking up his seat
Decision affecting MEPs-elect comes after EU court ruling on Oriol Junqueras' immunity
Two law professors shed light on the decision of the European Court of Justice confirming immunity of jailed Catalan leader
Supreme Court will "examine" EU court ruling on leader's immunity and give sides 5 days to have their say
European Court of Justice is due to rule whether jailed leader Junqueras has right to seat in Brussels, with implications for Puigdemont and Comín
Judge accepts unifying cases of former ministers Comín and Puig with that of former president Puigdemont
Maciej Szupnar says Spain cannot prevent former vice president from taking up his European Parliament seat
The defense teams of the former ministers will ask to postpone the court visit as Puigdemont did
Lawyers of Toni Comín and Lluís Puig say judges want to decide whether to incorporate their cases with that of former president, Carles Puigdemont
The requests have been sent to courts in Belgium and Scotland, according to the defense teams of Toni Comín, Clara Ponsatí, and Lluís Puig
Supreme Court official requests reissue of extradition orders for Toni Comín, Lluís Puig and Clara Ponsatí on charges related to 2017 independence bid
Thousands set off in the early morning, all expected to come together in a major rally in Barcelona on Friday
A petition has been sent asking president of European Parliament Sassoli to reconsider the situation of the jailed leaders
European Court of Justice to decide jailed leader's political rights after being elected MEP but not being allowed to take office
The head of the South American trade bloc chamber emphasized that “political differences” must be resolved democratically