catalonia spain


Madrid questions the Autonomous Community model

January 19, 2011 10:08 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In the last few days, a series of declarations by Spanish leaders put some dark clouds over the future of the Autonomous Communities model, a cornerstone of the current Spanish Constitution. The People’s Party (PP) shot first, claiming for more centralism, and the Spanish Socialist Party did not want to be left behind. Today, Prime Minister Zapatero showed up by surprise at the Senate to defend the current model.


The CiU gives 2 economic conditions for a stable pact with Spanish Government

October 13, 2010 11:38 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Catalonia must be able to co-manage key infrastructures such as Barcelona’s Airport and receive a special economic agreement like the one the Basque Country and Navarra have. Artur Mas, President of the Centre-Right Catalan Nationalist Party (CiU), explained the main line of his economic programme today. Mas sent a message out to Prime Minister Zapatero (PSOE) and the Conservative People’s Party (PP).


Barcelona’s Chamber of Commerce denounces Spanish Government for not keeping to committed investments

October 6, 2010 11:40 PM | CNA

The Spanish Government is investing 2,000 million euros less than what it should according to current binding legislation, stated the President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. The investment in Catalonia stands at 16.8% of the investment for the whole of Spain. 18.6% is the minimum investment fixed in the Catalan Statute of Autonomy, which has also been approved by the Spanish Parliament and is thus a binding law.


Spanish Budget for 2011 allocates 1,313 million euros less to Catalan infrastructures than in 2010

September 30, 2010 11:11 PM | CNA

The budget foresees 3,134 million euros for infrastructures in Catalonia, 18.6% of the quantity for all of Spain, an amount significantly less than in 2010. One of the reasons is a reduction in public expenditure due to the economic crisis and austerity needs. 320 million have not been assigned to any concrete work and their assignation will have to be decided on in a bilateral commission.


Catalan candidate not included in initial agreement for Spanish Constitutional Court's renovation

September 30, 2010 12:19 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll / Sarah Garrahan

After more than 3 years of negotiation, the Conservative People’s Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) have finally agreed on a replacement procedure for the Constitutional Court magistrates who currently have expired mandates. The Constitutional Court has had 4 magistrates with expired 9-year mandates since 2007. The Senate should have already appointed new magistrates, but the two main parties, especially the PP, have been blocking the process.


Catalonia’s National Day pays tribute to Catalan language in highly politicised atmosphere

September 11, 2010 10:42 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The 11th of September is Catalonia’s National Day, commemorating the day that Catalan troops were defeated while defending Barcelona in 1714. This day Catalonia stopped being recognised as a nation and lost its self-government. Pre-campaigning for the upcoming elections was present throughout this year’s celebrations. The celebration had 2 institutional milestones: the flower tribute to Rafael Casanova, who was Barcelona’s Head Councilman in 1714, and the institutional ceremony at Ciutadella Park. Besides, many institutional and civil society activities were organised throughout Catalonia, such as concerts, demonstrations and tributes.