Book believed to be oldest in Catalan revealed to be written between 1060 and 1080
Researchers at UAB university conclude document copied one century before originally thought
Researchers at UAB university conclude document copied one century before originally thought
Study places Catalan below Dutch and Portuguese, moving up 11 positions since 2017's report
Experts tell Catalan News problem persistent for years but has worsened recently
Pro-independence organization's president defends internal democracy and says she will not quit
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Voice assistant records 745 million interactions with Catalan users in 2022
Socialists and En Comú Podem vote with ERC government
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Groups push executive ahead of Spain's rotating EU council presidency
Effort focused on care of vulnerable groups such as children, women and ethnic minorities
Laura Borràs faces up to six years for alleged irregular contracts
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Executive says fewer links in Catalan started appearing in May 2022
Events include 36-hour game marathon, exhibitions and Barça eSports matches
GDP increase also above Spain average in fourth quarter of last year
Pro-independence opposition Junts to vote against, with unionist Socialists involved in governance for first time in decade
Party with Catalan food and castellers will kick off over three weeks of film screenings and talks
Governing party ERC set to join pro-independence bloc's protest of Sánchez-Macron meeting in MNAC museum in Barcelona