catalan way

“Mona de Pasqua”, the Catalan Easter cake topped with chocolate figurines

April 22, 2011 05:56 PM | CNA

Catalan tradition dictates godfathers to offer a “Mona de Pasqua” to their godsons or goddaughters for Easter Monday. The cake goes with a chocolate sculpture or figurine, which in some cases are true masterpieces. Chocolate houses, chocolate trains or popular cartoons made out of chocolate are some of the creations that top the cake. Catalan patissiers expect to sell 660,000 “mones” this year, although smaller ones due to the economic slowdown.

Large business managers ask the Catalan President for further simplification of administrative procedures

April 16, 2011 06:42 PM | CNA / Patricia Mateos

They also asked for an improvement in vocational training and development of the Catalan economy’s internationalisation. The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, met today at the ESADE Business School with 200 of the most important business people in Catalonia. Among others, the presidents and main directors of Abertis, La Caixa, Banc Sabadell, Seat or even FC Barcelona were present and Mas asked them to take the lead in the economic recovery.

Catalonia’s independence: the Catalan Parliament says “no” and the popular consultation process says “yes”

April 15, 2011 02:12 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Parliament rejected a law proposal on Catalonia’s independence three days after the popular consultation process on the issue ended with a clear “yes”. This civil society voting was not an official referendum and it was not organised by public powers. It took place over the course of 18 months, and Barcelona closed the process on Sunday. 21% of the electoral census turned out (885.000 citizens) and 90% of the voters backed Catalonia’s independence from Spain. Members of the Catalan Government cast their vote, including the President.

The Catalan Government issues 2,700 million euros in retail bonds to generate cash

April 12, 2011 01:58 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

In order to attain liquidity and taking into account the difficulties getting money from the international markets, the Catalan Government is selling 2.7 billion euros worth of treasury bonds. These will be bought by citizens at bank branches. One-year bonds have a 4.25% interest rate while for two-year bonds it is 4.75%. At the end of the first day of sales, 29% of the bonds were sold. The measure was already taken last October by the previous Government and the totality of the bonds were sold quickly.